VOR Approach without FMC

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Today 11:17 PM
Dear Captains

here a stupid question from a newbie:

When I try to land with DASH-7 or L-100 (i.e. planes without FMC) via a VOR approach, I keep hitting the VOR antenna (usually a little away from the runway) rather than the runway itself, in other words I cannot get really on the runway but rather aside of it despite:
1) setting the NAV to the correct frequency
2) aligning the airplane heading and course to the runway heading.
So far, the only solution I found was to use the VOR approach as above only until I see the runway, then go 'visual' and land manually (with all the caveats of this).
Is there a smarter way to land via a VOR approach with such planes?
With ILS it works just perfect...
Thank you for your advices.
All VOR approaches are non-precision ones, so you cannot fly them the same way as you execute the ILS ones. The final part of your VOR approach has to be visual - you have to see the runway while being not lower than at MDA (minimum descent altitude) and before reaching the MAP (missed approach point). All the required information (FAF, MDA, MAP etc.) you must read from a relevant approach chart for the airport you are flying into. There are also strict visibility minima that have to be met in order to be allowed to execute a particular VOR approach. The problem you've described with your plane hitting the VOR antennas is because you don't do the course change to the final approach one. The map will provide you with a precise value as well.

I think you will benefit greatly if you study these two links:

Any problems just give us a shout ;)

Btw, there are NO stupid questions, there are only stupid answers!

Hello Guys

As you started subject which interest me a lot, I want to ask does anyone of you could help me to underestand and teach me procedural control? I'm flying a little bit on Vatsim, but on last flight aproach gave me procedural aproach and I didn't done it perfectly cause I haven't done this, I've called "Missed Aproach" and then controler gave me vectrors till established on ILS. After that I felt stupid and decided not to fly on Vatsim until I'll be able to fly procedures. I'm not able to find anything straight enough to understand and it makes me angry.

Ralf Wawrzyniak said:
...these two links:

http://www.altairva-fs.com/training/ava ... fr_vor.htm
Ralf, your second link is broken and I could not find the right url from the base address.
I modified your first link, just so you see how to post links without breaking them ;)
Thank you for the clarifications Captains!
After all, I think the main point I must bear in mind is that - as Ralf says - VOR approaches are non-precision one, and the final step is basically a visual/manual landing. That's fine with me, as I dislike those aseptic, super-efficient, computerized birds with FMC...
By the way, believe it or not, I am considering starting a course to become a private pilot... this simulation was for me rather more of a sTimulation and I must give it a try... I'll let you know if I make it.
Fly safe! :)
Rafal Zielinski said:
Hello Guys

After that I felt stupid and decided not to fly on Vatsim until I'll be able to fly procedures. I'm not able to find anything straight enough to understand and it makes me angry.

Hello Rafael,

What is exactly what you are looking for? You want to understand the charts, or how to follow the chart with your bird and in FMC?
By the way if you have already a navigraph account and do not mind to spend some money on it then you can find quite good tutorial videos for various approaches.

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