[VATSIM][LSGG Friday 11.05.12 - 18:00z] TWR CPT André Bohni

Users Local time
Today 7:27 AM

Dear Pilots

Next Friday (11th of May) I need some traffic (IFR or VFR) in Geneva for my CPT. So get in your plane and fly to/from Geneva, I'll take care of usual good service.

charts on:
routes : or

We will hear us on 118.7
Re: [VATSIM][LSGG Friday 11.05.12 - 18:00z] TWR CPT André Bo

I just want to ask is it a busy airport on friday evening, because I want to make a flight next week on your test but if its busy and lot of traffic it could be dificullt for me to not make trouble for other pilots.
Re: [VATSIM][LSGG Friday 11.05.12 - 18:00z] TWR CPT André Bo

Hello there

Does anyone is planing tomorrow a flight from Geneva. I'm planning to fly from Geneva to Balice.

PS. Taking off from lsgg around 18:15 zulu.

Re: [VATSIM][LSGG Friday 11.05.12 - 18:00z] TWR CPT André Bo

I would love to make fly in but living in a different time zone is really unforgiving.... :S
Re: [VATSIM][LSGG Friday 11.05.12 - 18:00z] TWR CPT André Bo

I'll make a return trip LOWI-LSGG-LOWI departing approx 1745z, in case anyone wants to join :)
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