FSACARS flight not in ach pirep page?

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Today 7:35 AM
Hi. I just tried the FSACARS application, and used the ini file from my profile page in ACH website. According to fsacars, the pirep was filed successfully, but I still cant see it in the pireps page on our website. What gives?

This was a flight from EKCH - OMDB, ACH7978 (charter flight with the concorde)
Andreas Stangenes said:
the pirep was filed successfully, but I still cant see it in the pireps page on our website ...
Andrew Williams said:
at the time of posting this, it is around 10th down in the list
Sometimes it's good to have questions like this. This was something I always wanted to fix, and always forgot :oops:
The reports are sorted by the date & time they are filed. But unlike the other tools, FsAcars uses the recorded FS date/time as transmission timestamp, instead of the real date & time. That's why your report shows up between 14:00 and 15:00z although it was filed around 21:00z (FS time was 14:20 or so).

I just changed this in the pirep script and hope it will work alright.

btw: if you use FsAcars you may want to read this post:

FsAcars is known to have problems with accurate time recording. It's especially important to not use time acceleration or instant replay or anything else that would modify the time in FS. Also, do not change FS time after you have started FsAcars!
And finally I wouldn't be surprised if the fast crossing of time zones with the Concorde caused problems with FsAcars. But that's something you'll have to see. We don't have any experience yet with FsAcars + Concorde.
Thanks again Peter :) Well, I have just the one flight to base my judgement on, but so far so good. Fsacars seemed to work flawlessly with the concorde. I never fly with time accelleration, so it being sensitive in that regard doesnt really impact me in any way. I flew mach 2 on the ekch-omdb leg, so it seems to keep up 8)
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