Again with the flight plans!

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Today 11:27 PM
Where to start? Well, my first computer and the only one I really knew how to work was an abacus if that says any thing! I've finally got a pmdg 737 ngx in my hanger. Fantastic aircraft btw. My question is how do you get the fsx atc to recognize the flt plan that you punch in the fmc? For example, I've had to use the fsx flight planner map to find all the waypoints that I could from the downloaded flt plan and save it.Load the flight then enter the flt plan into the cdu. The only way I could figure out how to do it.Been doing it that way since I started here. So, if you ever watched me on the live acars,you now know why the acft was never exactly on course.That and the winds were blowin pretty good. ;) I know there has to be a better way. I'm not sure,but I think the pmdg doesn't like the fsx flt plans and uses a rte file. How do you make it all work together so the fsx atc will issue a clearance?
Hi, mate I use fsbuild no problems there . I know it isn't free but worth the money. I use pmdg js 4100, pmdg 747, mainly and must say I had never problem . Calculation of fuel including very accurate when use with ASE or AS 2012 as I have and using it now . There should be something from topcat for flight planning but still in development . If you need any help just drop the line . Cheers Petr ;)
David Higdon said:
My question is how do you get the fsx atc to recognize the flt plan that you punch in the fmc?
Just download the flightplan for fsx from airchild dispatch centre after you submitted your flight. Put that file in Flight Simulator X Files, usually in "my documents / Flight Simulator X Files". After that, start FSX and select "load flight", and select this flight from the list. FSX ATC will recognize the flightplan now.
David Higdon said:
For example, I've had to use the fsx flight planner map to find all the waypoints that I could from the downloaded flt plan and save it.Load the flight then enter the flt plan into the cdu. The only way I could figure out how to do it.Been doing it that way since I started here. So, if you ever watched me on the live acars,you now know why the acft was never exactly on course.That and the winds were blowin pretty good. ;) I know there has to be a better way. I'm not sure,but I think the pmdg doesn't like the fsx flt plans and uses a rte file. How do you make it all work together so the fsx atc will issue a clearance?

This is very complicated way to get the flightplans, better way is to get "FSBuild" for example, or other toll for flight planing. With FSBuild you can build your flightplans and convert to any flightplan format - for FSX, FS9, PMDG, Level D, Maddog etc. This is more realistic approach, becouse real pilots gets flightplans from dispatchers, you don't need to loose to much time with flight planning
David Higdon said:
I've had to use the fsx flight planner map to find all the waypoints that I could from the downloaded flt plan and save it.

These waypoints are given to you on the air-child flightplan page....


There use to be a .pln to .rte conversion tool available, so you could put in your fsx flight plan, it would convert it to the pmdg rte format, and allow you to enter than into the FMC.
Basically the same as using FSBuild as mentioned above. Unsure if it is still available though.

PLN2RTE is a utility available on the above page, which will convert you pln you download here, into a rte file, that you can place in the pmdg route folder somewhere in the fsx folders, and then you can load up the route into the pmdg FMC with the click of a couple of buttons :)

You will still need to load the .pln into fsx as stated above, to get the ATC to also follow the flight plan :)
Additional info: almost all of our scheduled routes are conform to the latest AIRAC cycle (currently 1205). If you don't update your NGX FMC with current PMDG data from Navigraph, you might get a "Not in database" error when entering an ACH route.
I use FS-Commander 9 for my flights. Payware from Aerosoft, but it's worth. You just copy and paste the waypoints from your ACH-briefing-doc into the the FLighsim-commander and can safe it into any usual format with one click.
some further advantages:
- it's working with the airracs
- downloading VATSIM/IVAO-Data lets you see the traffic arround
- you can add STAR's-Transitions in time, means when you're in the vicinity of your destination an according to the newest weather update or ATIS.
If one looks for a tool and ist intended to spend some 30 €, it is the first choice in my opinion.
Using these tools for all my Air-Child / 737 NGX flights:

For route planning and setup:
- FS Commander
- Aivlasoft EFB
You can copy/paste the route from your Air-Child dispatch page, and both these tools can export the plan to native PMDG 737 NGX format, ready to be read by your FMC from the co/route page.

Fuel planning:
- I take the fuel, payload and weight figures from the Air-Child plan, and then use TopCat to calculate ideal take-off settings, and landing settings too later on

- Active Sky 2012. The best weather engine. And the beauty is that Aivlasoft EFB and TopCat integrate seemlessly
- REX for cloud textures.

- FS Flight Keeper for keeping track of things and uploading the pirep
- All that combined with FS2Crew for the NGX, and you're in for a great experience !
Thanks for all the info. All are good good answers. Here's what I did so far. I downloaded the flt plan and put it in my documents folder. Tried the pln2route but couldn't get it to work for me (sure it was my lack of computer skills and not the program). Found a site called and it was able to put the flt plan in the PMDG rte format. Put the rte file in the PMDG flt plan folder. Joined NAVIGRAPH and downloaded the latest IRAC. Tested it and seemed ok. Then I started getting OOM's trying to fly.Reinstalled everything a couple times and still the OOM's. Found a program called Xtreme FSX PC loaded it up and Voila, no more OOM's. Now I'm going to test it out this weekend, before I do it online.Don't want to crash on a company flt dontcha know? ;) . I will definitely check out the flt planners at a later date. My computer is a department store package deal (Gateway), 2.2 ghz quad core. Recently had a new power supply put in along with a new Nvidea GTX 550 Ti graphic card. Have 4 gig of ram,maxed out. Not a screamer like some people have,but we make do with what we have eh? Oh Yeah,I have Vista 32bit for the operating system. Have REX for weather and ORBX for scenery.Run FSFK (now),was using the XAcars. I think my poor old puter cries when I turn it on! Well thank you again guys for the help and I will see you in the skies soon.
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