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- Today 11:27 PM
Where to start? Well, my first computer and the only one I really knew how to work was an abacus if that says any thing! I've finally got a pmdg 737 ngx in my hanger. Fantastic aircraft btw. My question is how do you get the fsx atc to recognize the flt plan that you punch in the fmc? For example, I've had to use the fsx flight planner map to find all the waypoints that I could from the downloaded flt plan and save it.Load the flight then enter the flt plan into the cdu. The only way I could figure out how to do it.Been doing it that way since I started here. So, if you ever watched me on the live acars,you now know why the acft was never exactly on course.That and the winds were blowin pretty good.
I know there has to be a better way. I'm not sure,but I think the pmdg doesn't like the fsx flt plans and uses a rte file. How do you make it all work together so the fsx atc will issue a clearance?