I flown 3 times with Drzewiecki in his World Tour, and that was hell lots of fun, especially, when Staszek shared his voice channel on random unicom frequency (we have teamspek for that). Staszek tried to get at least some ATC on routes, but even shared flight is fun, especially, when we fly in larger group - like holdings on destination? or being "lost" in vor/ndb navigation in nrnav space? or try land boeing 737 on airfield that barley siuts to halt/start such machine?
Flying Drzewiecki World Tour of dangerous airports (i think that was in year 2010) should be NICE, that includes some small airports or landing in interesting areas like greenland, himalayan or some small islands on pacific, or even one of longest ice airfield far on south pole

Staszek already agreed to make ACH world tour on his route, including using his data of routes (if still valid) and scenery database.
I would happly fly that, probably with 737F, but unfortunately i have lost my box of XPL during last summer (total house renovation, few stuff moving cases etc) and currently have only 1st disc image on hdd - having only part of USA and europe installed, rest of world is water... Need to get that DVD back and install for flying on rest of world, including those nice flight....
SP-DDS said:
World Flight 2009 Extreme Approaches, organized by Drzewiecki Design Air Transport in cooperation with other virtual airlines, is a global event taking place on VATSIM network in April and May 2009. The whole project consists of 27 main flights and 18 extra flights around the world, that makes 45 flights in total. Pilots participating in the event will visit 7 continents, 25 countries and 41 airports. All airports have exceptional approaches - technically demanding, non-standard and famously dangerous. The experience you get during World Flight 2009 Extreme Approaches will change your flight simulator flying forever. Plese keep in mind that this is not a beginners' event. Pilot's basic experience and knowledge is required as well as all sceneries installed, charts obtained and RNAV equipment in your aircraft with AIRAC cycle operating. Only aircrafts with a range greater than 3300 nautical miles can fly with us as there are some long legs over an ocean with no refueling possibility.
I had Lockheed L-1011-500 for few flights at begining and then Boeing 787-9 in that event. Staszek used slightly modified 737-900. Bigger airplanes have enought fuel capacity for longer legs whoever there is few demanding airfields with not so long airstrips, so best is to have something from mid-low size. As far as i can remember airplane should have possibility to fly over 3300nm (plus emergency range) and land on runway of something around 4000ft (1300m). Did i said that this world flight is demanding?

And one more notice... One of legs runs quite close to north pole, and FS does not like it very much, so there is option to little alter this whole set of flights and add few more locations, not exacly interesting to visit but farther from poles and making lower airplane range requirements (because of shorter flights overall).