air-child monthly madness

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Today 2:09 AM

as you have certainly read in the forum, we are going to plan a group flight on a regular basis. Starting from Cologne (EDDK) we are fly to a destination you can choose. From this destination we are going to fly to the next destination, which yo can vote for into this forum.

Each destination should be in a range of est. 1200 nm from the departure airport so the flight will be done in 2-3 hours. Every pilot is able to suggest a destination. Once a month I will add a poll with the first three proposals. Then every pilot can vote for his favorite place to go.

We haven't fixed a departure time for this for different reasons.
  1. I don't know, where all pilots come from. If there are pilots from Australia or from South America we ha to make sure, that we start at a time, which is possible for everybody.
  2. Maybe we can be organize ATC for our flight - so then we have to look at the controllers demands

I think, a general starting time can be 1300z. That will be 1500 in Europe, Australians can fly in their evening hours and pilots from South-, Mid or North America can fly in their morning hours...

Time will tell, if this will work.

As you see in the announcement, the first Saturday of the will be our day. I hope, that in most countries the saturday is off :S

I will post the first poll as soon as the first three destinations are available. So look on your map and let us see, where we go next....
Oliver Pohl said:
I'd like to fly to Kiev UKBB...

could be but, as I remember in Russia you have altitude in meters speed in km/h. Not sure about controllers, but in real life they speak only in russian and I don't speak fluent this language. Maybe we can first fly top all our hubs in europe?

PS. I'm not sure if I'll be able to find, but propably 2 years ago there was an event in pl-vacc Extreme Russia.
I know, that the most russian controller speak english fluently - they only speak russian with russian pilots - thats the same as in Poland.....

Then it is up to you to suggest another destination, which we can vote for. Simply add a thread with your favor... ;-)
Good Job Olli....
I think, a general starting time can be 1300z. That will be 1500 in Europe, Australians can fly in their evening hours and pilots from South-, Mid or North America can fly in their morning hours...

Since living in GMT +8 zone.. Well..

Thanks for all your positive response - but without any other suggestions of we are going to fly to Kiev.

So if there are any other wishes, please add them here - not, the first three will be part of the poll :)
Hi to all , firstly I would like to fly more often . The reason why is that if somebody miss the change they don't have to wait for whole months. Perhaps twice a month just a thought. Secondly thirst flight should finish somewhere over the water like south Africa. Why I am hopping there would be a controller using selcall and that is good chance to practice it too . Also if somebody suggest a arrival airport he / she might also make small knot why? As perhaps available free scenery or good payweare if somebody interested or where to download charts . Just a thought . The reson why is if flying only once a months that you simply want to enjoy it . That if I can possible see what others can . I kno it is only FS . Just thought perhaps overcomplicated . cheers petr :hi:
Hello Pilots

I find once per Month a good start. I will try to join. For the first Destination, my wish is Stockholm Arlanda (ESSA), every time i flown to Sweden i had great Service there.

Greetings from Switzerland
Oliver Pohl said:
I know, that the most russian controller speak english fluently - they only speak russian with russian pilots - thats the same as in Poland.....

I want to fly to LIRF there is a nice scenery or if on east then Moscow Domodedovo. If I've to learn something then ok.

I also vote for ESSA.


please keep Rome and Moscow in mind for the next LEG. The next LEG can be placed two weeks after the first one - that depends on the number of pilots, that will fly in LEG 1.

At VACC Austria they fly once a week and there are about up to 4 pilots, at the LHA's Flying Club, which by the way fly in a monthly cycle, fly at least 6 Pilots. I believe, that the shorter the cycle will be, the less will be the number of pilots taking part on it.

But time will tell.... maybe I am wrong ;-)
Hello All,

I like this idea and I will participate whenever I am available no matter what the destination will be. I am not sure how many of you are using payware add-ons. However, I would prefer airports for which those are available.

Another idea: From the discussion regarding group flight destinations you see that it will be sometimes difficult to have an agreement. The next lower "level of agreement" would be to have hub events so that pilots with different origins and destinations meet at a specified hub at a specified time.

Hi hmm , that's not bad , but that would be difficult to organize and wouldn't, think lots of pilot would attend . Let's see how the first one go and then we can grove it to different level . To the point with payware scenery I would personally preferred too or at least some good one free so it is nice to fly . I did already purchased essa airport so hopping we will fly that direction , but time will tell . cheers petr
fully agree; freeware add-ons should be available for the respective airports as well - I guess for most of the payware airports that will be the case.
Regarding the "hub event": Clearly, a group flight with a common destination makes more fun, just as a fallback solution. We could couple that with respective ATC schedules having in mind that for many airports and surrounding airspace full ATC is provided on specific days.
Best regards, Morten
For me the destination wouldn't be a problem - the number of sceneries for the FS9 is countless and I don't care about flying to destinations without haven another scenery....

I think, its up to everybody to suggest, where we are going to fly :)

Actual it looks like ESSA to be our first destination. Unfortunately I can't be with you on our first LEG, because my wife reminded me, that we have wedding day on the 7th of July (ouch) :think: ... and it seems that she will be very unhappy if I would spend that day somewhere in the virtual skies..... :lol:
Mate, I put you virtually on FO seats so you can enjoy nice view while you don't have to be pulling on yoke . I am sure there is still plenty of flying ahead of as . Enjoy that special day. ;)
Are these group flights going to take place in IVAO or VATSIM?

So the destination will be ESSA, but where are we going to take off?
Hi, Yes as far as I know the idea was clearly about group flight on vatsim network so we can communicate with controllers and mostly with each other using team speak 2 on air child channel . So should be great fun and if needed great in help as perhaps weather report and so on . So don't miss it anybody can fly . Arrival airport there is a vote between 3 destinations so I think it is still open . Departure I think should take place at EDDK. There is whole topic to this right corner of the home page please do follow it if you are interested and want to ask a question as well as have any suggestion their are all welcome . Cheers Petr :yes:
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