Christmass 2008

Users Local time
Today 4:45 AM
Hello everyone,

To the founders and all participating fellow pilots I wish a very pleasant X-mass and

a prosperous NewYear 2009. May you all have many exciting flights for this wonderfull Airline V.A,

and that many sponsors may step in to further the cause of UNICEF.

See you all in "The Wild Blue Yonder ".
Mary Christmas to all of you.

With all your help, we will start 2009 with a powerfull Virtual Airline that supports children in the whole world.

Air-Child not just another virtual airline!

Thanx to everybody and a happy new year.

Best Regards
Merry Christmas to all of you and a happy new year as well.

I hope that all of you get into the new year healthy and that we will make this VA the best there is around.

Best Wishes

There's still some days to go before Christmas Holidays start and before I will hopefully receive the only present I'm asking for, which is a bit more time to care about the website here. Apart from that I'm looking back at a very busy year. 2008 not only brought me more work than I thought but also a new and wonderful experience with this Air-Child Baby that is growing much faster than we ever thought possible - despite it still being hidden in the darkness of the flightsim world ;)

What started as an ambitious idea seems to become reality, even though we progress much slower than we were hoping. But thanks to all you great people who joined us here to help with testing and debugging and who support us with positive feedback, we think we will get there - sooner or later.
So let me give you a big :hug: and an even bigger THANK YOU ALL! Also and especially: Thank you, Norbert, for the perfect cooperation we had and have! And Thank you, Drew, for all the good ideas and help!

I'm looking forward to a new year with a fully operational VA, more friendly members and a lot of new ideas from you guys. Besides that I personally hope for a new year with less wars, less injustice and more understanding in the world. Change may be coming ... Let's hope for it!

(Ok, you can put back your tissues now)

[ British accent on ]

Hey Governor and what happened to the whole world peace part then ?

[ British accent off ]
Merry Christmas to everyone, and all the best for the New Year :hug:

To Peter and Norbert,
Wishing you all the best for the VA in the New Year, and hope it turns out to be everything you want. Good luck.
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