air-child madness LEG 1

Where are we going to fly from Cologne on the 7th July 2012

  • UKBB (Kiev)

    Votes: 2 14.3%
  • ESSA (Stockholm)

    Votes: 11 78.6%
  • DTTA (Tunis)

    Votes: 1 7.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Users Local time
Today 7:48 AM
The first three destination has been posted. Please vote, where you want to go.
Well I cannot believe, that there are just two votes for KIEV - but it looks like ESSA has made the race for our first AirChildMadness....

May I can convince my wife, that it is a must for me to take part on this flight... :p

I will post a route within the next days - and I hope to see many children on our TS Server that day...
Hi Captains,

I am looking forward to be part of the event. Please let me one ERJ-190 in the hangar :)
Should we book these legs as charter and the flight No. will be given by the system or for this events we will have dedicated Flight Numbers?
Anyhow waiting for the further details :)

Well Tibor, thats a thing I haven't thought about before. I would suggest, that everybody charters his own flight. I will try to catch a E190 too. But first we have to look, if there is a regular flight from EDK to ESSA?....
Rafal Zielinski said:
There will be an airac change within a day or two. So should we have new one or 1206 will be fine?
AIRAC 1207 is already active since June 28. We will probably update tomorrow.
I need to get new Navigraph credits, first. Currently their payment service is down :|
No Sir,

planned departure time is 1300z - So for our pilots located on the east side will start in their evening hours and the pilots from the west side (SA/NA) will start in their morning hours...

Our route could be:


Total Distance 663 except departure and arrival route.

ATC for the Scandinavian Area is currently under request, but they've not confirmed yet...
Oliver Pohl said:
No Sir,

planned departure time is 1300z - So for our pilots located on the east side will start in their evening hours and the pilots from the west side (SA/NA) will start in their morning hours...

So it will be 1500 in Europe
Oliver Pohl said:
Our route could be:


Total Distance 663 except departure and arrival route.

Is this an official route?
Oliver Pohl said:
ATC for the Scandinavian Area is currently under request, but they've not confirmed yet...

Do you know how much of air children will be there with us? And what about stands at EDDK? Are we going to stand together hext to each other?

So it will be 1500 in Europe
Yes, but is isn't 1500z like in Mortens post.
Is this an official route?
What makes a route an official route? These Route was created by rfinder...

I will choose any gate at EDDK, if necessary I will move to a place, where other children are...

The Guys from Scandinavia asked me too. I didn't know - but I hope that we will be as much as possible - but I estimate, that we start maybe with 5 to 8 pilots....
Hi , yeah I too hopping there will be good number of airchild traffic . If yes that would help as to lift vatsim ATC interest in our future flights . So please if anybody interested don't hesitate and jump in as well . HMM 663 NM I am not sure if to take PMDG js 4100 or pmdg 747 8i . Will see ?? Any thoughts what planes will be flying ? cheers Petr :yes:
Any thoughts what planes will be flying ?
I'm probably calling a 738 :)

Just to clarify- Everyone is flying a different plane, just all bunched up together?

1300z, so 2100 for anyone living in China... Sounds good!
Cya guys there :)
I will take the one and only - my good old Embraer E190 :lol:

And by the way - we haven't talked about it, because for me TS is necessary for "simming" like the SQB itself..... I never fly a plane without talking to other folks on TS...

Of course we meet us on the AC's TS Server for a little chat...
OK, than see you at EDDK@1300z, I will ride a nice ERJ190 as well, estimated on FL330. Just updating my AIRAC and navigraph chart database, so getting ready for fun :)
At the moment do not know how can I join the TS (anyway I guess we would need a server address). From FSinn is it possible to join TS channel beside the normal ATC chanels :?: Sorry, but I have never tried it.


I know how group flight looks, but just to be sure are we going yo fly on the same altitude or we all can have different? Because if all of us have to fly on the same altitude, then we will be flying on FL 330. I'll fly B737-700.

In my opinion 2-3 different altitude should be used as the various planes are cruising with different speeds. If if one of the first plane will be an ERJ than all the 737 and airbus will struggle behind of it as those planes have higher economical cruising speeds (and altitudes as well) and I think we should save some fuel, reduce our CO foot-print, so respect the environment :)
Tibor Kolena said:
In my opinion 2-3 different altitude should be used as the various planes are cruising with different speeds. If if one of the first plane will be an ERJ than all the 737 and airbus will struggle behind of it as those planes have higher economical cruising speeds (and altitudes as well) and I think we should save some fuel, reduce our CO foot-print, so respect the environment :)

I was flying yesterday to Arlanda with 737-7 on FL390 and the flight was very good.

Hello guys

thank you for nice flight. It was a pleasure to fly with you.

Can't wait to fly next month. I hope we will make a flight next month.

yes it was a really exciting flight. The ATC Service had a lot of work with us so it was a win win for all parts of our event.

Sorry, that I couldn't wait unitl the last aircraft has landed at ESSA. But We have had a barbeque and there were a lot of things to prepare.

No we should think about our next destination. As in the first LEG I recommend to choose the first three suggestions and all pilots can vote for that.

Ort another idea is to fly to a destination, which name starts with the last letter of our departure airport. In our current situation we would fly to a town, that starts with an 'M'...


What Do you think about?

Pics will follow soon.
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