REX Simair coming up, looks interesting !

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Today 9:31 AM ... ayer-game/

Looks kinda cool.

I don't know how it would fit into plugging this in with virtual airlines like airchild, but looks interesting if it could.... something to watch out for when it's released I reckon...
Hi, I'm very surprised it's also for FS2004. I thought most commercial developers considered fs9 as a dead end. It might be fun and I might give multi player a chance again.
this does not look very revolutionary - may be as a sim toy but not in the way of modern business - it only counts money. Our ACH VA thinks also about a virtual business model but it is more about to create intelligent routes which less costs and less consummated fuel - so the environmentalism should have a loud word.
But for sure this is a quite complicate approach and it will take a while before it can be used. But as I know from our admins it will be different from the well known business approaches like Air Hauler etc.
I hope that our leaders with the help of our members will find to go for this approach.
Thanks for this nice and well organized VA.
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