problems with mic

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Today 7:43 AM

I try to fix my mic so I can fly on vatsim, but since it is not working i have ordered a new mic. but is it possible to log flights other way??
It is fine to just use text when on vatsim. Even when you have an operable mic you'll find yourself texting from time to time (some people are hard to understand using voice). As far as other ways to log flights look at the documents section under pilots manual. It will show you the programs you can use to send your pireps. You don't have to be on vatsim to log a flight. However,Vatsim will enhance your flying experience by providing live ATC.
Hi guys,
using text only on vatsim is an option, but, we controller do not appreciate. We have a lot more work with "textlers" then voice-flying people. Imagine, you have to type messages while observing the traffic. While situations with higher traffic, that makes not really happy.
But, once again, ist is an communication option of vatsim.
Christian - Could you as controllers use some kind of 'Voice to Text' software to help speed up the response to text fliers?
Just an idea, though when I have tried them in the past, I have found them pretty inaccurate.
Good point Andrew, 'Voice to Text'. I hava a lot of problems with sounds on vatsim. Or maybe some kind of "templates" text messages with options to insert variable part, like SID, STARTS, FL etc... Just to save some time
@ Andrew:
no, we don't use any voice to text software, and, as far as I know, nobody has ever thought obout.

of course, we have some alias-files, to use key shortcuts texting to pilots and additionally, we in VACC-Austria are running a B-test at this time for a new Text-plugin.

@both: The main problem is, that you have to take away your eyes from the scope, while texting with a pilot, and take away hands from the mouse to use keyboard. Beside the problem that the textplugin is used in a additional window, for which you need a second monitor, or you can't see behind.

You certainly made the experience of getting a textmessage that was not made for you. The reason is, that normally you speak to one pilot, while collecting system-informations (ALT, squawk, HDG, cleared Waypoint, etc) from another by using the mouse. This is not possible during texting, becouse the system-focus turns to the aircraft, you just clicked on.

Once again, I don't blame any pilot using text only, but during peektimes, its exhausting. Using voice in my opinion is a little bit more realistic.
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