@ Andrew:
no, we don't use any voice to text software, and, as far as I know, nobody has ever thought obout.
of course, we have some alias-files, to use key shortcuts texting to pilots and additionally, we in VACC-Austria are running a B-test at this time for a new Text-plugin.
@both: The main problem is, that you have to take away your eyes from the scope, while texting with a pilot, and take away hands from the mouse to use keyboard. Beside the problem that the textplugin is used in a additional window, for which you need a second monitor, or you can't see behind.
You certainly made the experience of getting a textmessage that was not made for you. The reason is, that normally you speak to one pilot, while collecting system-informations (ALT, squawk, HDG, cleared Waypoint, etc) from another by using the mouse. This is not possible during texting, becouse the system-focus turns to the aircraft, you just clicked on.
Once again, I don't blame any pilot using text only, but during peektimes, its exhausting. Using voice in my opinion is a little bit more realistic.