TU-154B interesting aircraft.

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Today 11:35 PM
Just found this interesting aircraft,and seem develop for a long time,point is free! Also i thinking this aircraft almost close payware level.
Difficult thing is very different than boeing or airbus system,and i thought this one just need to upgrade graph and system than could be sell.
Main web: http://www.protu-154.net/
Download source: http://files.protu-154.net/pt-154b2.html

That looks great. In the past I have found a Webpage offering many other russian aircrafts which were on a really high level. The only problem with this aircrafts is that all the instruments are labeled with cyrillic letters.

Look at this Page:

This is a screenshot of a panel of their AN-24....

Without any knowledge in russian it is very difficult to know, what are the functions of all these switches...
I used to fly the TU-154B quite a lot while I was still on FS9, some years ago. I think it's definitely one of the best simulations for FS9 (including payware aircraft) ever made. Although complicated as hell, especially for non russian speakers.

As far as I remember, if you download the full package from it includes a huge english manual where all the buttons and switches are explained. It takes a while to learn, but in the end you will probably be able to read the cyrillic alphabet. Which helps a lot to memorize switches. Although I forgot almost everything after not using it anymore. :|

btw: If you want to use the TU-154 with Air-Child VA, just pick the MD-80 from the charter fleet. Performance data does not differ too much. We will not include it, however, because there's no good alternatives for FSX or X-Plane.
Agree...i use remember function by button location...
And fsx version has almost complete manual by in english,but still lost few thing,but it's real good for me.
I just know russia have unique navigation RSBN and НВУ after flight tu-154B,seem russia has different thought for design aircraft.
So far still learn how to ues INS for navigation... :?
I noticed this thread a little bit late, but as it concerns the legendary Project Tupolev, I wanted to chime in with small clarification: the team of the aircarft just a few month ago, which not only features all the familiar FS9 functionality, but also adds improved systems and realism plus new features and of course the improved visuals, widescreen ratio and all the bells and whistles that are typical for FSX releases.
That being said, I concur that including it in the fleet would not be advisable, unless there's huge demand, as it's a very complex aircraft and also very different in systems and operations compared to the mainstream "heavy iron". But for the fans: it's still there and maintained by the dev team.
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