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Today 10:55 PM

some of you know the very fine Scenery of Debrecen, which can be downloaded for free in the Freezone of .

Today I read an announcement, that they have released their first Payware Scene - For it was a reason look at it.

By the way I found in total three Scenes from Hungary for FS9, FSX and also for X-Plane - all of them are very fine ones.... Today I've bought the first Payware for 15 Eurr, it contents 2 small airports - but they are so nice and tehy are worth every cent I paid for it....

Just look at the frees - they are absolutly fantastic....
Quite impressive. Nice scenery. Unfortunately my pc can only produce such a picture at 1 fph :'(

I'll keep it in mind when I go there. Actually I needed LHBP for my F1 tour but I believe it's not in their free-ware folder.
Yes I know. But I think, that is not necessary because there is the megascenery from Aerosoft available....

Here are some shots from LHSimulation....

And by the way - I don't have such a big computer and on FS9 it works very well...
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