Can't seem to complete a flt on vatsim

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Today 3:02 PM
I've tried many times but can't seem to complete a flight. I keep getting assertion errors 3/4 of the way to destination. Read on vatsim forum that using squackbox out of FSX should work. Tried that and I started getting BEX errors. All my FSX sliders are set to lowest settings. Also,when I'm online it seems the controllers seem to disappear when I log on. Starting to get a complex :) . A fellow pilot asked if he could join me when I logged on yesterday and I had to say no cause I wasn't sure if it would lock up or not.Should have tried anyway. Using Pmdg ngx,fs2crew, 4 gig ram,large address aware for fsx.
Well tried again tonight. Had great ATC coverage from Miami to JFK. JFK CTR cleared me down to 11000 and when I started decent ... Another fatal assertion error and CTD. Going to drop squackbox and try with fsinn. Keep you posted .
Hi mate , I use fsinn and never any problem with it . When you install it make sure you folow sticky notes . An other rule I have , flight screen 2. select default cesna 3. Select destination 4. Start fsinn so destination will be synch to correct Zulu time 5. Start flight 6. When everything is loaded I select desire plane . Follow this step and you should be ok. Let me know if you need help .
Well,finally made it through a flight on vatsim! Fsinn seemed to work fine on my low end system. I think my weather program (REX) is a problem tho. Whenever it loads or inserts new weather it kind of lags the sim and causes the pmdg to act like a bronco in a rodeo. Gonna have to live with it til I can get a 64 bit system I guess. Thanks guys.
David this is known problem with PMDG and weather. This is due to changing the wind direction to fast and PMDG planes have problem what is known as " S turns " and rapid loss of speed or overspeed . It all comes to wind ,tamperature and Baro Pressure, I use ASE weather wich is much better when we talk about weather injection . It doeas in much smoother way ,however I do still use as Recomended buy PMDG team and other so it is not from my head and that is FSUIPIC . If you have registered version of fsuipc which I highly recommend You can use Page in fsuipc were you set up wind smoothing ( how many degrease in wind direction for how much time in seconds ) Example 1 deg. for every 8 seconds and that will eliminates the issue of mantion before. Look there were lots of forum and topics how to set it in ASE or REX it does help ,but Fsuipc is best for that. Look at google search " PMDG S TURNS problem"

Hope that will help
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