Hi to all air child pilots I did got respons from post place on UK vatsim forum and I had written an other one including detail and request for ATC coverege in EGCC . I hope someone will get in touch.
Here is what I written ::
Hi I would like to find out how to or where to get in touch with some controllers ,when organizing event on vatsim. Well I should be more specific . I am flying for VA AIR CHILD and every months we trying to organize flight which starts from previous destination and for arrival airport is vote . The flight takes in every first Saturday Of the months . This time we flying from ESSA to EGCC . Oliver Pohl is the man who organize the events ,however he is on Holiday at this time so he manage to organize ATC from ESSA but we are still missing ATC at UK . Therefore I would like to ask if there is possibility to have orginize ATC for arrival into EGCC .This event will start 4 the of August 2012 at 13:00 z if there is any change to made will be specified . Last time we got about 9 Air child pilots participate not a big number ,but I am sure this number will growth as many pilots starting on vatsim. Plaese let me know if there will be support at the destinatioin as it surelly brings more pilots. Thanks very much Petr
Vatsim Petr Sach YSSY 1190334
Here is what I written ::
Hi I would like to find out how to or where to get in touch with some controllers ,when organizing event on vatsim. Well I should be more specific . I am flying for VA AIR CHILD and every months we trying to organize flight which starts from previous destination and for arrival airport is vote . The flight takes in every first Saturday Of the months . This time we flying from ESSA to EGCC . Oliver Pohl is the man who organize the events ,however he is on Holiday at this time so he manage to organize ATC from ESSA but we are still missing ATC at UK . Therefore I would like to ask if there is possibility to have orginize ATC for arrival into EGCC .This event will start 4 the of August 2012 at 13:00 z if there is any change to made will be specified . Last time we got about 9 Air child pilots participate not a big number ,but I am sure this number will growth as many pilots starting on vatsim. Plaese let me know if there will be support at the destinatioin as it surelly brings more pilots. Thanks very much Petr
Vatsim Petr Sach YSSY 1190334