Letter to vatsim

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Today 7:47 AM
Hi to all air child pilots I did got respons from post place on UK vatsim forum and I had written an other one including detail and request for ATC coverege in EGCC . I hope someone will get in touch.
Here is what I written ::

Hi I would like to find out how to or where to get in touch with some controllers ,when organizing event on vatsim. Well I should be more specific . I am flying for VA AIR CHILD and every months we trying to organize flight which starts from previous destination and for arrival airport is vote . The flight takes in every first Saturday Of the months . This time we flying from ESSA to EGCC . Oliver Pohl is the man who organize the events ,however he is on Holiday at this time so he manage to organize ATC from ESSA but we are still missing ATC at UK . Therefore I would like to ask if there is possibility to have orginize ATC for arrival into EGCC .This event will start 4 the of August 2012 at 13:00 z if there is any change to made will be specified . Last time we got about 9 Air child pilots participate not a big number ,but I am sure this number will growth as many pilots starting on vatsim. Plaese let me know if there will be support at the destinatioin as it surelly brings more pilots. Thanks very much Petr

Vatsim Petr Sach YSSY 1190334
This just update to how we are doing with ATC over UK . As you could read from previous post from me Vatsim Uk got back to me today just asking for more details so they will posted for controllers in UK airspace . I hoping that should sort out ATC over UK will keep in touch as soon as I get more info from them .The post belowe is from Vatsim UK and I had allready reply with suggested route by Oliver .Cheers Petr please don't forget this weekend and follow this topic in case there is change .

Good Morning,

Thanks for getting in touch. Yes I will post a topic in our forums asking for ATC. Could you give me the route you are taking and also what time roughly you expect to arrive at EGCC and I will post the request today.

Thanks in advance,

Kris Thomson
VATUK11 - Events & PR Manager

thanks for quick reply the route is suggested : ESSA ARS N623 BEDLA N866 GOLUM L975 LESRA UL975 LIBSO EGCC
However if all pilots will keep the same route can not promise . Time for departure is set for 13 00 Zulu ,but there could be little bit of delay to keep separation etc. As far as arrival time I have estimated about 2:10 trip more or less so between 14:30 16:00 . Thank you very much we appreciate all the support
Petr, we totally appreciate your effort here :yes: Thank you!
Anyway, just as a general information: some time ago we (the 'management') agreed on a policy that we would only contact VATSIM officially for ATC support if we knew exactly (or almost exactly) how many pilots will take part, or in case the event is going to attract more pilots because it's open to non Air-Child pilots.
The reason is that we were told off, once, by some VATSIM division for having requested ATC but only 3 or 4 pilots actually took part in the "event".
I think we should at least wait a while and see how the monthly group flights are doing. Should we have regular participation of about 10 or more pilots, then it shouldn't be a problem for official ATC requests. But we'd like to avoid to upset anyone at Vatsim's.

This is NOT a critique, Petr, just an information for the future ;)

We should also make sure that we keep the comms between Vatsim and ACH to one person (which would normally be the Online Director). This way we can establish a better link.
In the coming weeks we will probably have a new Online Director (after the currently designated, Tomasz Wydrzynski, has disappeared somehow).

Last note: Tom and I will take part on Saturday, flying Tom's simulator because my own FS system is still in the rebuild process ;)

Hope to see many of you!

ps: Does anyone know if the departure time will be 13:00 Z again, like last month? Hopefully ...

not sure but this was the best time for almost every timezone. So I'm going to be at Arlanda 30 minutes before 13:00 zULU AT STAND 15. ready for takeoff.


PS. Hope I'll manage tomorrow to fly from LIRA to ESSA. :lol:
Hi Peter,
First of let me say I am sorry I did not know about such policy. I won't contact them again unless is ask for buy large sum of people.
Secondly I still can not see a problem in this as I have mention number in last post to vatsim and that was 9 pilots. Also I have mention it's a group flight organize on vatsim and I think vatsim stated they will posted on board if anyone want to be on that tower or where ever ,so I wouldn't say that they took it too seriously. From my point of viuuw I just felt little bit more responsibly as I have came up with this idea and with Oliver and others put in place ,however since Oliver can not fly this event yet again he manage to orginize ATC around ESSA,so I felt to try organize ATC for rest if possible. The whole point is this even takes on only once a months so would be nice to enjoy it fully .
Thanks Petr
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