NEWBIE - Little confused

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Today 2:46 PM
Hi all,

Here is a newbie with some questions again.
I'm preparing my first flight and I'm totally new in VA.
I read the Pilot Manual 2 times, but still have some questions. Hope you don't mind.

I've chosen for the Professional mode in my profile, so I'll start with the ATR72-500.

If I understand it right the sequence is as follows: (please tell me if I'm wrong)
1. ServInfo - get weather info
2. Login to website and book a charter flight
question: I downloaded the Flight1 repaint D-ABLA. Can I only fly with reg. D-ABLA? What if D-ABLA is not present in the charter flights? If I can fly with another reg. must I change this in the aircraft.cfg?
Besides the charter flights, can I fly the tutorial flight LOWS-EPWA at first?

3. Make flightplan
4. Start FSX and position aircraft on departure airport
5. Start Squawkbox and tune to Delivery of higher ATC
question: do I need Teamspeak too?

6. Start FS Flightkeeper ( I have the trail version), make new flight and connect to ACARS server
7. Contact ATC.
8. Ready to go? Or did I forgot something?

I'm really excited to start the first flight and hope to do a lot of them for Unicef, but nervous and scared (to do something wrong) too!!

Now I first start the tutorial flight OFFLINE.
Thanks for your support,
Kindly regards,
Hi Jacob and welcome to Air-Child
2. Login to website and book a charter flight
question: I downloaded the Flight1 repaint D-ABLA. Can I only fly with reg. D-ABLA? What if D-ABLA is not present in the charter flights? If I can fly with another reg. must I change this in the aircraft.cfg?
Besides the charter flights, can I fly the tutorial flight LOWS-EPWA at first?

You can charter any of the ATR aircrafts. It would be unreasonable to have multiple repaints of the same aircraft, but with different tail numbers. So we just select one tailnumber for the repaints.

Feel free to book a charter to do the LOWS-EPWA tutorial flight (however in professional mode you can only book that flight if there is an ATR parked at LOWS - which there isn't) :up:

Be sure once you are on the tarmac, to set your aircraft fuel and cargo weights correctly as per the flight plan :D

Happy flying 8)
Hi Andrew,

Thanks for your answer. It's clear to me now.

Happy flying too. ;)
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