PC crash during flight - what to do?

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Today 2:29 PM
Hi all,

My FSX crashed during an online flight this afternoon.
I closed everything.
What's the procedure after a FSX crash during flight?
Thanks in advance.
For now, there's not much you can do, Jacob. These things happened to most of us - mostly 3 seconds from touchdown ;)
The best thing you can do is try and find the cause for the crash (scenery, memory ...) so it will not happen again. Then do the flight again.
Flight Keeper also has an option for autosaving flight status, so that you can restart from where the crash happened. But I honestly never used that and don't know how to do. Maybe someone else could tell more.
Hello Jacob, and welcome to Air Child. Im new at the online simming myself and have had the same problem with fsx locking up during a flt. If your wanting to know if you have to report the ctd to vatsim, i dont think you do. It happens a lot. If you want to troubleshoot as to why it crashed look in this forum under online flying,there are some good suggestions as to how to fix. Also vatsim forum has a lot of info.There are a lot of fellow ACH pilots in here that are more knowledgable than I am about this. Sure they will answer this post shortly. I was using Squawkbox and had issues with it locking up fsx. one answer was to run squawkbox externally from fsx instead of in the fsx menu. That didnt work for me. I wound up loading Fsinn and it worked fine. I have a 32 bit system, 4 gigs ram, windows vista. Had to use large address aware to fix some out of memory issues.Also your weather program may be the culprit. If you could give your computer specs and the error message it would help the other guys that are going to answer your post. If your not new to the online simming,and I am way off base with this post... perhaps you could send some mouth wash. It will help get rid of the taste of the foot I keep putting in my mouth :lol:
Peter and David, thanks for your reply.
Normally I don't have crashes, but this afternoon it happened with the Flight1 ATR72-500. I was switching to the FMC view [SHIFT-F3] and then FSX hung with no error description.
Just a half hour ago I would try again and then I could not connect from FS Flight Keeper to the ACARS server :'(
For today I give up.
Will try tomorrow again.
Happy flying and greetings from Holland :)
David Higdon said:
... perhaps you could send some mouth wash. It will help get rid of the taste of the foot I keep putting in my mouth :lol:
try washing your feet, it might help as well :D
Jacob Keizer said:
For today I give up
So sorry for your trouble, but don't let this take you down. Flight simming is a hobby that requires a lot of patience. Not telling anything new here ... :p
I vaguely remember solving my FsKeepers problem by giving the program admin rights ,but check out Thomas Moliters support forum. That's where I found the answer for my keepers problem. Alot of answers pertaining to connection to ACARS. Hope this helps. Flying is hours of boredom interrupted by moments of stark terror.Simming is hours of frustration followed by a completed flight.Thanks for the hygiene tip Peter :rofl:
Hi David and Welcome,

Here is the solution I use when this kind of sh**t happens for me (a little bit too much) and, as said Peter, often, just before touchdown after 10 hours flight.

If you're using FSFK, use the auto save function to back in the latest record and relaunch the flight.
If not, FSUIPC (registered) has an Autosave function.
Finally, you can find a free utility called AUTOSAVE onthe Web.

I made a little other program Autosave Cleaner which delete the files generated by them and stay in several places in you computer... It is is Free.

Good luck to find the crash cause.

All the best
Pierre ;)
Pierre Chassang said:
I made a little other program Autosave Cleaner which delete the files generated by them and stay in several places in you computer... It is is Free.
Hi Pierre,
Where can I get this? Searched on Flightsim and Avsim but could'nt find it...

Hi all,

Yes! I did my first flight for Air-Child. :p
Two questions left:
1. I can't file the flightplan from this site to VATSIM. I get the form, but when trying to upload I get an error. Is this a well know problem? Through Squawkbox I can file the flightplan well.
2. When I fly, I can't see myself on Live Watch.
No big problems, but just curious how it happened.

Happy flying!
Kindly regards and thanks for your support,
Ensure that your vatsim ID and password is entered before you send the flight plan. Even then sometimes you will get an error code. Wait a few then try to resend if it happens again. Allways a good idea to send your flt plan again using squawk box or fsinn as a backup. Sometimes vatsim will say they didn't receive it. Use the live ACARS button in Fsfk,and make sure it's setup properly. The help button in Fsfk menu will get you to the index to show you how. Congrats on your flight.
Hi Captains

Here is the link to download Autosave Cleaner :

Hope it will be useful.

I tried to download again this cleaner, link is not working anymore. Is there another link, where i can get it?
I tried the link. Don't know if it works or not, it's all in French so I don't know what to click :rofl: . You might PM Pierre he will know what to do.
I asked google to translate that page for me, and it's says that file is not available any more. I will PM Pierre right now, it's great utlity that cleaner and can prevent many bad things :up:
It cleanes files left from autosave feature from various fsx folders. Very nice utility, becouse you can add more folders and configure it exactly how you want. I use CCleaner, but only this utility will clean up my payware aircrafts folders
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