Anyone ever have this problem with pmdg ngx?

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Today 11:36 PM
Just had some work done at computer shop. When I tried to start Sim after selecting the pmdg 737,window popped up to register pmdg. So I entered the serial number from the DVD and it gave an error. Clicked cancel then it said I don't have a valid license. Do I have to uninstall and start from scratch ? If so,should I uninstall the liveries first?
Check the links below for support ... ... wforum=136

additional Liveries ... ... eries.html

hope these would help you out ... have fun ;)
Thanks for the links Ameche. Waiting on response from aerosoft. Lookin like a reinstall job. Just gotta luv this stuff :p
David Higdon said:
Thanks for the links Ameche. Waiting on response from aerosoft. Lookin like a reinstall job. Just gotta luv this stuff :p

Better contact PMDG directly, this is what aerosoft does anyway-- maybe they have to reset your activation for a new activation with your serial. I had a similar problem once.
Cheers Tom
Thanks Tom, but I purchased the boxed version from aero you probably know just trying to log on the support for aero soft or pmdg support can be an exercise in futility sometimes. The pmdg support site asks for your order # from pmdg about 5 or 6 numbers.the aeros soft # is longer. I get stuck in a loop for some reason. Anyway,aero soft has my support ticket and said it was under review.since it is the week end prob won't hear from them till Monday . When I had my rig in the shop they found a rogue virus called pc cleaner. They mucked around the registry to remove it.Think they deleted some files pmdg uses. Read some of the posts and it seems that when you have an activation problem some people assume your a software pirate . I understand the sentiment but it's a shame legitimate users have to jump through all the hoops to get resolution to a problem.I hate having to reinstall cause it takes me hours even days to get things working right but I think that's the answer to this particular problem. Just gonna wait to see what support tells me. Who knows, maybe they have a simple fix!
I understand, in my case it was much quicker to ask pmdg to reset my activation. I have the box version to. But maybe your case is different.
Cheers Tom
The only thing I got from aerosoft support was your key code is probably being entered incorrectly! Don't think so. So I reinstalled and it's working fine. Now I have to redo my Fsfk,and fs2crew. Haven't checked my fsinn client yet but probably have to redo it back up soon :)
David Higdon said:
The only thing I got from aerosoft support was your key code is probably being entered incorrectly! Don't think so. So I reinstalled and it's working fine. Now I have to redo my Fsfk,and fs2crew. Haven't checked my fsinn client yet but probably have to redo it back up soon :)

Thats what I ment - It has nothing to da with a wrong key code. PMDG gives only likited authoristions. If you try your key sometimes (I guess you did) then you cannot activate your plane without a activation reset from PMDG. But I am not sure if we are speaking about the same issue :)
Cheers Tom
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