air-child madness LEG 3

There are not so many Destinations starting with an 'R' But here are som of them...


    Votes: 12 100.0%
  • EVRA RIGA ~900nm

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • EFRO ROVANIEMI ~1100nm

    Votes: 0 0.0%

    Votes: 0 0.0%

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Users Local time
Today 4:22 AM
After two weeks off from my simulator I'm glad to be home again. I hope you enjoyed your trip to Manchester. Unfortunately I havent had enough time to choose some destinations, but as I have seen some of you had made some proposals - So i take the easy way to simply copy and paste them here for LEG 3, which will take place on the 1st of September 2012 at 1300z :lol:
Oops Andrew I'm sorry for that. I will keep it in mind for the next leg.... the poll cannot be changed...
It looks like Roma will make it. Therefore here is a link for XP pilots to get a conversion of the ISD LIRF:

And here you will find it for FSX:

Cheers Tom
...and one link for FS9 ... 5&lang=it#
scroll down to find LIRF Scenery FS2004 fully updated
Norbert Woeller said:
...and one link for FS9 ... 5&lang=it#
scroll down to find LIRF Scenery FS2004 fully updated

Yeah, thats a great one which is worth to donate some bugs for.

Unfortunately there are some objects (trees or stuff like that) that needs a special texture file I miss. Has anyone an idea if there are any libraries necessary for this scenery?

Looking forward to Rome....(and brainstorming for destination comes next :lol: )
Hmm, looks like a pretty tight vote this time ... :lol:
Oliver Pohl said:
Looking forward to Rome....(and brainstorming for destination comes next :lol: )
Just wondering: will the next one start with "A" (for Roma) or with "E" (Rome) ??
Norbert Woeller said:
...and one link for FS9
For the FSX users: I installed the old ISD scenery with the FSX patch from Avsim

which is listed on Robert-Jan's scenery index ( ), and it seems to work fine and looks quite nice.

ps: welcome back, Oliver :hi:
Just wondering: will the next one start with "A" (for Roma) or with "E" (Rome) ??

I would like to search for 'E' destiations....or are there any special places someone want to fly to, which starts with an 'A'....
A few off the top:
E- Edinburgh, Scotland (UK) EGPH? ~1300nm
A- Abu Dhabi, Probably too far away
- Athens, Greece, LGAV. ~700nm
- Algiers, Algeria, DAAG. ~ 700nm
-Amsterdam, Netherlands, EHAM. ~900nm

Thats about all i can come up with right now :think:

I guess A would probably give us a better range of options
See you in Roma/Rome :)
With E: Erfurt (Germany), Eindhoven (Netherlands), Esbjerg (Denmark), Erzurum (Turkey), East Midlands or Edingburgh (Scotland)
Oliver Pohl said:
are there any special places someone want to fly to, which starts with an 'A'....
Ajaccio, Corsica, is a beautiful place and would make a nice short hop, for a change. ;)
Although I have no idea about available scenery (except a pretty good freeware for FS9).
nice short hop
:D :D :D

All for short flights
Though probably means less time for TS...
Peter Schindler said:
Oliver Pohl said:
are there any special places someone want to fly to, which starts with an 'A'....
Ajaccio, Corsica, is a beautiful place and would make a nice short hop, for a change. ;)
Although I have no idea about available scenery (except a pretty good freeware for FS9).

It's nice to hear.... Do you have a link?

Thanks in advance
Ok, it looks like we are flying to Rome, start time at 1300z - Unfortunately I have to work that day from 0900 lcl until 1700 lcl... and that's why I can't come with you :'( . I look forward for LEG 4 :rofl:

I will try to organize ATC Service for Italy and Austria/ Germany.... Does anyone has connections to the UK Staff?

Oliver Pohl said:
I will try to organize ATC Service for Italy and Austria/ Germany.... Does anyone has connections to the UK Staff?



Why for Austria and Germany as I was flying our company routes with AIRAC 1208 it was thru France and Switzerland. Does anything has changed with new AIRAC Cycle?

You are right, after I took a look at a map I've seen, that Germany will not be on your way...

I try to organize ATC from France for this trip.
Hello my fellows

I was unable to get anybody from the VATFRANCE to provide ATC for tomorrow. But I will keep my fingers crossed, that you all will have a good flight with lots of ATC at the whole route...

Enjoy your flight. New destinations will follow as soon as I can...
Hello guys < I have to apologize for not flying tonight leg 3 . Was looking forward to ,but at the moment I am left with no internet connection sufficiant for flying on line . So looking forward for leg 4 . Happy flying, Petr :'(
As I see there were just 2 pilots flying in the mnthly madness today... Lyndon Teng and Ralf Zielinski.

Thanks for that. I hope, I will be part of the group next time and that we will be more pilots....
Oliver Pohl said:
As I see there were just 2 pilots flying in the mnthly madness today... Lyndon Teng and Ralf Zielinski.

Thanks for that. I hope, I will be part of the group next time and that we will be more pilots....


first of all: there was 3 pilots. There was also Tom Weber with us.

second: My name is Rafal but I can be Ralf :D. don't take it personal Olivier

third: I got crash of FS right after rwy vacated in lirf but I got saved log from FSACARS can anyone help me to send it cause FSACARS has already shut down and Flight Simulator is hanging :D

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