It is all fine and usually I do the same. Just sometimes I am in the mood and just quickly want to fly away to a random destination, but it is not really possible, especially online

If we are talking about these changes I also quite often facing the problem of various SID/STAR/TRANSITION. Many times three database gives three different procedures: navigraph chart, airac and controller. On a new destination if I fly online I try to prepare from the charts, but when I will arrive to the TMA the ATV gives something which is not on the charts and even not in the FMC. In lucky case I can add the procedure point by point, but in most cases we do not have time for this, especially when the ATC gives the procedure just 5nm before of our last flightplan point.
Yes I know, I should check the website of the related VACC, but I do not want to collect one single information from various sites, and this would be the purpose of the updated navigraph chart.
Of course there is no solution and I am not complaining, just telling my observation
And one more thing with the ATC as I mentioned it already. Many of the controller tends to give the instructions for the approaches, transitions quite late. I am 5nm inbound my last route point and still do not know if I should fly a heading or a procedure. If procedure I still need to find it in FMC (if I have it). It happened I was announcing to ATC I am entering to the published holding over the last route point as do not have any further instruction and the ATC was quite surprised what and why am I doing...
So dear controllers, please respect our big birds and also the fact our life is harder than a real pilots work as we usually do alone the job of two
Happy landings guys, I will be on vacation for the next two weeks, so see you on the sky afterwards.