Ramzes 777 livery

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Today 4:42 PM
Hey, is anybody working on the livery for the new 777? A nice air-child livery would be awesome!

A nice air-child livery would be awesome!

... only if it would added to our fleet...
and when it's ready to use (by now we must wait)... :?


PS.- Oops, I see now that the Boeing 777-200 is already in our fleet. Hm, hm... Maybe...
Oh, thank you! Didn't know it was for X-Plane. But that's good because in that case I'm not qualified for doing a livery :lol:

btw: it's definitely expensive, but it looks nice.
Hi pilots,
I asked the best livery maker I know for an ACH 777 livery. Hartmut will try to do one. But it is difficult. Hartmut was working with Ramzzess for the S100 and the 757 (which is not out yet). Hartmut made a lot of proposals concerning the object structure of Ramzzess planes. But the fuselage of the 777 (and other Ramzzess planes) are a lot of different objects in different sizes. This makes it very difficult for the long line crossing the complete fuselage of an ACH plane. Hartmut will try. I let you know when it is done - maybe he has to change the livery a bit that it works on the 777.
So stay tuned.
Cheers Tom
Here you go - Hartmut finished the ACH livery for the XPlane Ramzzess B777.

You can download it here:

Have Fun greetings from Hartmut

@Peter Schindler - I included a photo for the repaints site
As soon as the livery is on the repaints site this link will be deleted!
That is really funny - no comment for this livery which I could send to the designer Hartmut Krüger. Does it work for you guys or not. I am not on XP in the moment and I am not sure if I should like the B777 or not - 60bugs is a lot of money - ok I cannot test it - but I am a bit disappointed about the cockpit look. Anyway have fun.
Cheers Tom

I can't test the livery, 'cause I do not have that B772 (yet)... I've already said it: I think it's a little expensive and I prefer small aircrafts and short flights. But who knows? Maybe in the future...

It's amazingly good! Excellent work and the logo in the night is also very nicely done. All in all perfect! Please send my thanks to Hartmut for this great livery.

And about the plane: If you like the CRJ200, this is the same but on steroids. The amount of complexity is overwhelming and it's great fun preparing a flight with the CDU. I paid more for the A380 from Peter Hager and it is by far not so complex and refined.
Alex Lagos said:
It's amazingly good! Excellent work and the logo in the night is also very nicely done. All in all perfect! Please send my thanks to Hartmut for this great livery.

And about the plane: If you like the CRJ200, this is the same but on steroids. The amount of complexity is overwhelming and it's great fun preparing a flight with the CDU. I paid more for the A380 from Peter Hager and it is by far not so complex and refined.

I have to broke a stick for peter hager - believe me the flight behaviour is the best and most realistic which you can find on XP. I now peter and all his research and his knowledge about the A380. Yes the A360 is much to expensive and the FMS is not very good, still not - you are right. As soon as XP 10 comes to a real running WHQL and the B777 will be patched for this I will test it. I tell you I am happy that they start to make custom FMC - I did quite a lot of UFMC config files and belive me it was a lot of work each time. And my hope is that Ramzzess will get better in his cokpit textures and instruments.
Cheers Tom
Tom Weber said:
I have to broke a stick for peter hager - believe me the flight behaviour is the best and most realistic which you can find on XP. I now peter and all his research and his knowledge about the A380. Yes the A360 is much to expensive and the FMS is not very good, still not - you are right. As soon as XP 10 comes to a real running WHQL and the B777 will be patched for this I will test it. I tell you I am happy that they start to make custom FMC - I did quite a lot of UFMC config files and belive me it was a lot of work each time. And my hope is that Ramzzess will get better in his cokpit textures and instruments.
Cheers Tom

Oh I know that he is working very hard on his planes or else I wouldn't have bought it. But I wish he would have a custom FMC and the 3D cockpit coming with the plane. As soon as the A321 3D cockpit comes I will buy that too. I'm an Airbus fan and I love the fly by wire simulation that his planes have.
Alex Lagos said:
Tom Weber said:
I have to broke a stick for peter hager - believe me the flight behaviour is the best and most realistic which you can find on XP. I now peter and all his research and his knowledge about the A380. Yes the A360 is much to expensive and the FMS is not very good, still not - you are right. As soon as XP 10 comes to a real running WHQL and the B777 will be patched for this I will test it. I tell you I am happy that they start to make custom FMC - I did quite a lot of UFMC config files and belive me it was a lot of work each time. And my hope is that Ramzzess will get better in his cokpit textures and instruments.
Cheers Tom

Oh I know that he is working very hard on his planes or else I wouldn't have bought it. But I wish he would have a custom FMC and the 3D cockpit coming with the plane. As soon as the A321 3D cockpit comes I will buy that too. I'm an Airbus fan and I love the fly by wire simulation that his planes have.

You are right, the FBW of peters planes are the very best on Flightsim.
Cheers Tom
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