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Today 2:33 PM
Love Vatsim! Still have some problems sometimes tho. Fsinn started to lose its connection intermittently during flt. Flt plan was filed and had clearance from controller and I wasn't walloped for any reason. Anyone have an idea why it would disconnect?
To many possibilities for that. When you instaled FSINN, did you tried to folow this rules?

This is the only way if you want to have stable FSINN. FSINN is very buggy, but I never had a problem after this steps.

If you still have problems, becouse is complicated to folow all that steps, just ask for help here:

Thank you Zeljko. You nailed it on this one. Seems I didn't follow a rule. Guess you can't be a rebel all the time eh? :oops:
David Higdon said:
Thank you Zeljko. You nailed it on this one. Seems I didn't follow a rule. Guess you can't be a rebel all the time eh? :oops:
Yes you can :yes: But in this case you'll have problems with FSINN all the time :lol:
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