squawkbox issue

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Today 11:19 PM
I hope someone can help me with this problem as it freezes up FS10 every time. When in squawkbox and you get or send a private message you freeze up and this message comes up.
Debug Error
module c:/programfilesx86/squawkbox\sbmod10.dll
Runtime check failure #3 the variable "posy" is being used without being initiated.

I must be setting up squwakbox improperly could someone please straigten me out on this error.

My system is win 7 home pro. with the latest video card and several meg of memory. Using FS10 excelerated with add ons. Have reinstalled with no effect on the problem.
I have started flights from KJFK several times but within ten minutes things freeze up with the same message every time.

Sounds like you're running SB as an internal FSX module. This should not be done, as it causes instability and crashes. Run SB externally and also consider running both FSX and SB as admin and disable UAC in windows 7.
Starting squawkbox outside of FS10 seems to do the trick but getting the SQ window into flt sim once its open is not happening please advise.
Google a program called alwaysontop. Or run in windowed mode. Reference vatsim forum,squawk box help,first page,topic FSX freezes w/squakbox

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