Cessna Skymaster ACH

Users Local time
Today 5:52 PM
Dear XP pilots,
if your Otter has a defect maybe you take the Cessna Skymaster for the trip. The magic Hartmut Krüger made an ACH livery for the latest Carenado XP Cessna Skymaster HD model.
As always you will find the download in the XP Secrets area of our forum.
Have fun and thnx to Hartmut
Cheers Tom

WOW!!! That's very well done, guys.

The timing was also perfect, I was just installing my new toy: Carenado's C337 Skymaster for X-Plane.
It's sooo beautiful, and it flies sooooo smooth. It does everything you want. :clap:

Thanks, many thanks for this ACH-livery.
In return, I am ready with , in Santiago de Chile. This is in Santiago, perfect for GA flights, like the C337 Skymaster.


You may download this scenery, tested with X-Plane 10.11, .

This scenery is also added to my Google-map " "

Saludos, :fly:
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