Online flying

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Today 3:54 AM
Hello Pilots.
I have never flown online and isnt the best pilot but I want to try online.
But I am nervous since I am totally new. How do they treat new pilots?
Are they helpful or hatefull ? :!:

Kyrre Westgaard
Kyrre Westgaard said:
Hello Pilots.
I have never flown online and isnt the best pilot but I want to try online.
But I am nervous since I am totally new. How do they treat new pilots?
Are they helpful or hatefull ? :!:

Kyrre Westgaard

Hi Kyrre,

Its normal to be nervous flying online for the first time. I found the Online flight documents under the documents section to be a big help when flying online. Most people are friendly when it comes to new pilots. You can even let fellow pilots know your new to online flying by remarking in your flight plan comments something like /new pilot first online flight. I suggest you select a aircraft your most efficient with for your first flight online. You could choose a smaller airport to start where there isnt as much traffic. Give yourself plenty of time for preparation when flying online. Have charts where possible and a pen and paper to write down instuctions from ATC. All the best with your first online flight,
Good for you Mike! Don't worry everyone has the jitters when they first try it. It gets better with time. Skyvector or airnav will have most charts you will need. Airport diagram is very valuable to navigate the taxiways at the airports. Good idea to practice that offline a little by trying to follow the taxi instructions by using the diagram and markers. If you have fskeepers you can zoom its map and it will show the taxiways. The difference between real world and online ATC is that the controllers are always there and your handed off from one controller to the next all the way to the gate. They try to simulate that as much as possible online but more times than not there won't be another controller to hand you off to so you will monitor Unicom 122.8 a lot. Practice changing frequencies . Sometimes it's hard to figure out who you should contact. If your in doubt ask it won't hurt anything and they can't eat you! Read the Online flying manual in our documents section it's very good. Don't worry about messing up we all do. Don't get discouraged. Above all else have fun. I think you'll find that once you start online you won't want to fly any other way.
Hope to hear and see you in the virtual sky soon.
Hey, the world is our oyster and nothin goes better with oysters than a good beer ;) . Probably not recommended til after your flt tho. I won't tell if you won't. You have to join vatsim and ivao to use. Both are good.
What I can recommend is to try your first steps at ACCRA (Ghana) DGAA. You can simply make a flight from Lagos (DNMM)

There is a special event on every sunday evening, which is made as a trainings plattform.

All of them speak english fluent, some of them speak german too. And they have all the time to answer questions....

Another german VA use these location for training flights, so you will not be the only one :)

Charts and Sceneries can be found here:

See you there
David Higdon said:
OOPs, sorry Mike I ment Kyrre. See , I told you we all make mistakes! :rofl:

Lol no worries mate. Kyree/Mike they kinda sound the same :lol:
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