FSinn and fs copilot issues

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Today 10:57 PM
Ok Ive got everything running finally but one small problem, I do not show up on any map and my flights have not been recorded. I am close to getting thrown out for no flight hours when Ive been wracking my brain and flying alot trying to figure out how to get my pilot number to register. One thing that I think is probably the problem is when I start up FSinn my pilot reg is lit up but as soon as I turn on VATSIM my light goes out and VATSIM is live. Can anyone run thru the possible solutions with me I would appreciate it greatly.

Sounds like its not set up correctly . Watch the utube vid by krsans78. He has tutorial for installing fsinn. Also check the post in our forum under online flying titled fsinn. There's a link there that will have some steps to take before starting fsinn. As far as recording your flts for air child you will need one of the clients in our pilots manual. I recommend fskeepers but its payware. XAcars is free and works well in both FSX and xplane. You can record your flt with those programs on or offline for air child.
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