link issues

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Today 6:33 PM
I wonder if I could get some feed back on why after I have already logged one flight that when I try to connect to FS10 thru Flight Keeper or Xcars I get a message that says my engines are running or I am in the air (which I am obviously not at the time) or that I dont have my parking brake set. I have tried reinstalling flight keeper and Xacars but still no luck. Any ideas?

Thanks in advance:
Probably not the answer you want to hear but did you try Thomas Moliters support forum? He's usually pretty good at resolving issues with his program.
David Higdon said:
One thing to remember is don't run keepers and xacars at same time. Use one or the other.
But Keepers has you connect to xacars as part of the procedure listed in the 2008 instructions shown in the board.
David Higdon said:
Probably not the answer you want to hear but did you try Thomas Moliters support forum? He's usually pretty good at resolving issues with his program.
Tried that but he had no thoughts on the matter that worked. changing aircraft didnt help I connected once and have a report on file but since then have been unable to set up the link again.
Fskeepers , FsPassengers ,xacars,and fsacars are separate pirep reporting programs. They are stand alone. I'm not sure what link you are talking about. Could you be talking about the ACARS device that gets installed in your cockpit? You may have to run the debug tool in fskeepers and send the file to moliter so he can see what's going on. Just installed keepers in windows 8. No probs with it so far. All I did was install it and then followed the instructions on page 15,16 and 17 in our airchild pilot manual. Guys, I believe Doug is using windows7. If any of you windows 7 users are good at making a video or tutorial ....
Don't throw your computer off the balcony just yet!
Also,you might try running FSX and fskeepers as administrators. When I loaded FSX and keepers on my new hard drive I loaded them outside the programs file. Example C:\FSX , and C:\fskeepers. It avoids a lot of issues with windows that way. You still have to give them admin rights tho. Some programs want you to install with the UAC (user account control) turned off but I didn't have problem leaving it on. Go to options in fskeepers and check what you set the reporting event to IE brakes set, engines off.
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