'Air-Child' call sign

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Today 11:37 PM

I'm pretty sure a few of you might know about EditVoicePack X but if you don't and if you're interested I managed to make the FSX ATC actually refer to you when in flight (if you use them of course) as Air Child then your flight number

If there's any interest in this I'll make a little how-to list
Hello there

After a long time without flying my birds are going to get onto the sky. Is it possible to make such callsign for FS9.

Is it possible to make such callsign for FS9.
Yes, it is. I've the ATC calling me 'Air-Child' when I fly my Air-Child B73G.

I just added ACH to EditVoicePack and chopped the "F" from the "Fairchild" wave-table.

I've mentioned this before on the forum here but nothing was done with it. If I get permission from our CEO :) I could package it and upload it to Flightsim.com. I've never uploaded an EditVoicePack entry before but I think I'll get it done.
It's a very good program,been using it for some time now. Previously was using a program called aircrafters but it quit working for some reason. Trying to figure out how to get it to work with radar contact. Any suggestions?
Barthe Hogenboom said:
Is it possible to make such callsign for FS9.
If I get permission from our CEO :) I could package it and upload it to Flightsim.com.

Hello Barthe,

thank you for your work. And shur, you can upload it to Flightsim.com

Best Regards
And shur, you can upload it to Flightsim.com
Thanks, I'm waiting for Rafal to e-mail me back to confirm that he managed to install the call-sign. :zzz:

This way it's tested before I give it to the general public and avoid all kinds of e-mails asking why it doesn't work. ;)

I sent you 3 emails all has been sent back to me with notification that my email servers are on your provder blacklist.

Back to the subject it works, my ATC called me Air Child 1234 :D


Rafal Zielinski

PS. Instructions are well provided.
I sent you 3 emails all has been sent back to me with notification that my email servers are on your provder blacklist.
Why do I even pay that provider. :rant: I'll switch provider next year anyway.
Back to the subject it works, my ATC called me Air Child 1234
Nice to hear so. I'll add a nice Air-Child picture and I'll upload it to Flightsim.com. Thanks for testing.

Update: I uploaded it. It always takes about a day before it's available at Flightsim.com.

Update: It's available now. Search for air-child_callsign.zip on
Barthe Hogenboom said:
Is it possible to make such callsign for FS9.
Yes, it is. I've the ATC calling me 'Air-Child' when I fly my Air-Child B73G.

I just added ACH to EditVoicePack and chopped the "F" from the "Fairchild" wave-table.

I've mentioned this before on the forum here but nothing was done with it. If I get permission from our CEO :) I could package it and upload it to Flightsim.com. I've never uploaded an EditVoicePack entry before but I think I'll get it done.

Ah well then let's hope this gets a bit more attention ;)

It's much better than being called 'Boeing (current flight number)'
Thanks Barthe. Saved me from having to do it all over again. Your download works fine with edit voice pack 4 also.
Hello Ladies and Gentlemen

To the above I can add that I have set myself my Air-Child ID as flight number and now every time ATC calls me Air-Child 0581. Of course I've done this by changing ATC_FLIGHT_NUMBER in aircraft.cfg to 0581

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