Dubai - OMDB Hub?

Norbert Woeller

Users Local time
Today 8:46 AM
Hello Kai,

it's possible, yes. And it's also a good opportunity for a stopover from Europe to Asia. But I'm not shur if this has to be our next HUB. I think we also need one more HUB in the USA (West Coast?) and one in Central America.

I'm also wondering what other members think about that...

But either way it will take a little bit, because we are waiting for the release of PFPX. PFPX is a fantastic new Flightplaner (can't wait ;) ) developed by the TOPCAT builders. So far, we have created the schedules always with FOC. But FOC is outdated.
Therefore, we first have to look, how much we need to change in the programming to use the shedule of PFPX.

And if you want to have a look at PFPX (I highly recommend it):

...and if you have any questions regaring PFPX, I'm shur Pierre will answer you, because he is one of the Beta-Testers and the moderator of the PFPX forum ;)
Norbert Woeller said:
we are waiting for the release of PFPX. PFPX is a fantastic new Flightplaner (can't wait ;) ) developed by the TOPCAT builders.

It sounds good, but... it's just that it requires an OS from Microsoft (one or another Windows-version)...

What about Air-Child-pilots using MacOS X or Linux?

Hello Ricardo,

sorry, that's a missunderstanding. No one needs PFPX to read the shedule. We only will create the air-child shedule in the future with PFPX. There will be no changes for members.
Norbert Woeller said:
a missunderstanding. No one needs PFPX to read the shedule. We only will create the air-child shedule in the future with PFPX. There will be no changes for members.

Pffffoeiii!!! My misunderstanding... when I read "a fantastic new Flightplaner".


Norbert Woeller said:
No one needs PFPX to read the shedule.


But everyone can use it for his satisfaction. ;)
I have been following PFPX since its announcement, and I'm shur it will be the best flightplanner ever for flightsimulation.
I vote for is in the middle of the World on half way to Asia
Frank Kunath said:
I vote for is in the middle of the World on half way to Asia

+1 for something on the US west coast. PANC wold be great as well as KSFO, KSEA or KLAX. I would also vote for PANC over OMDB if there is a vote at all -:)
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