I only want to say hello!

Users Local time
Today 2:43 PM
Dear members and pilots of Airchild!

I am here now since a week, did 7 flights and looked over the forum. It's a phantastic idea, to help childdren with our flights!!!! Now flying get's sense for me much more.
To my person: I am 56 years old and a medical engineer, flying with MSFS since begin, so for 30 years. I hope for a very long membership an a lot of flights at Airchild.

See you in the air ;)
Reinhard Hofstaetter
Hi Reinhard,

Welcome on board,
Hope to see you in the blue sky over the blue planet. :fly:

Pierre ;)
Hello Reinhard,
Reinhard Hofstaetter said:
To my person: I am 56 years old and a medical engineer, flying with MSFS since begin, so for 30 years. I hope for a very long membership an a lot of flights at Airchild.

Hm, you are beating me in any way. I'm 54 years old and I'm flying with MSFS since FS4. 20 years so far. So I only can say: age before beauty :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Welcome to Air-Child Reinhard! Have a nice time with many friendly members.

Best Regards
Grüß Di....pfui Spaß :lol:
I hope that's not all you want to do,we would like for you to fly too! :lol:
Welcome aboard,you will like it here.
Frank Kunath said:
Grüß Di....pfui Spaß :lol:
Servus Frank!
Also Du bist für mich echt der Beste. Wie Du im Internet rumwerkelst find ich toll. Ich hab ne satte Stunde gebraucht, um das Airchild Logo in meine Signatur einzubinden. Tu mich eh schon so schwer, im Forum die richtigen "Knöpfe" zu drücken. Neid. Neid, Neid :S
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