Aerosoft ATR 72-500 for X-Plane

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Today 5:00 PM
Hello Captains,
I bought recently the aircraft in subject and I am driving nuts to understand why the Autopilot disengage continuously - the manual says only that 'AP will be automatically disengaged if one of the engagement conditions is no longer met.' - I can't figure out what does that mean.
In addition, I cannot find anywhere how to activate the Flight Director and the FMC is a joke, no way I can get it to select STARs, SIDs and the rest... in short, I am really disappointed. My main interest is in VFR flights with small planes but I hoped to use this bird to log some flights for our Airline... does anyone have any experience with this? Any advice on how to activate the Flight Director and keep engaged the AP? Thank you for any help...
Hi Guiseppe,

I fly the Flight1 ATR for FS9, so I am not certain if this helps, but it is worth a try.

In the RW ATR the AP disengages when the yoke is moved (more than just a tiny bit). This is modeled in my ATR. Maybe this is why your AP also disengages?

May be the joystick - try to increase the null zone to avoid any unexpected movements. The other reason why AP disengages in XPL is the weather / wind shifts.

Thank you Captains, now I found the problem: i had not switched the bus on in the overhead panel :oops:
Now it works. The FMC is definitely primitive, I don't see how I could enter STARs and SIDs there but will try to fly in VATSIM soon, worst case scenario asking for vectors to land...
Unfortunately our liveries do not seem to work on this ATR... am I the only one to have bought this expensive and nice looking barrel??
Good night all and fly safe!

yes, this ATR uses default X-Plane FMC, which is not capable of SIDs / STARs. You can always enter the appropriate SID and/or STAR waypoints one by one manually. You can also use third party FMC (like Javier Cortes UFMC, which fully supports procedures and VNAV), however I am not sure if the config file already exists.
The systems on this plane are not heavily modeled, nevertheless I really enjoy to fly this bird from time to time. There are however much better aircrafts for X-Plane in this category like CRJ200 or JS32.

Thank you for your comments Jan. I love propellers planes, so probably should look into the JS32.
Best regards
Oops... wake up, guys... Giuseppe is using FS2004 and Jan is using X-Plane...

Jan was talking about .


Dear Ricardo, actually I passed to x-plane as well - following your encouragement some months ago... :) still trying to get familiar with this platform and will take me still some time before I feel ready to log a flight in VATSIM but very happy of the change nevertheless.
Cheers and thanks for the link - just had a look and it is indeed BEAUTIFUL! Can we have it in our fleet pliiizzzzzzzz! :)
I recommend the CRJ200 and after that the 777 from Ramzees. Both come with a proper FMS and from all accounts a pretty deep systems simulation
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