Landing on Alternate, what now?

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Today 2:03 PM
Hi there,

I am on my way to UNNT from RKSI. Because of stronger than expected winds I won't reach UNNT with minimum fuel. The weather is too bad to try it without Alternate. :wall:
Therefore I am diverting to my Alternate UNAA to get fuel and go on to UNNT.

The question is: How do I handle it with my booking and FSFK. Is it possible to just send in the pirep with the new destination and book UNAA-UNNT afterwards, or do I have to cancel my booking and book RKSI-UNAA right now?

Complicated enough? :)

Looking forward for your answers :wink:

Hi Gregor,
a quick reply here:
you can file your pirep as usual. The script will only check your flight number against the booked flight number, if they're the same it will accept the flight (hopefully!). So no need to cancel your booking.

Once transmitted, your pirep will show UNAA as your arrival airport, with no sign that you intended to go to UNNT initially. Also the plane's position in the fleet database will be UNAA.
The only drawback is that there will be no trace of your divertion and the planned destination UNNT.

I could (and probably will) include a part in the script that checks your booked destination against your actual arrival airport, and if they differ there will be a notice in the pirep that the pilot diverted at some point.
With FsPassengers there's usually a memo in the flight critique with the divertion info and the reason for it (technical failure, emergency, fuel shortage ...). With Flight Keeper I'll try to include FSFK's custom fields for user comments. I just have to find out if and how the custom fields are handled in the transmitted data.

Have a nice landing anyway!

ps: I'll check your pirep later and see if there was any problems. I admit we did not test this scenario very often ;)
Peter Schindler said:
I could (and probably will) include a part in the script that checks your booked destination against your actual arrival airport,

Beware of the fsp 'bug' when it said you landed at a heliport within the airort etc. Not sure if it will be an issue with fsk though, as it has never said ive landed at a helipad like fsp did.
Yes, a good point. But I also think that FSFK has a different approach. Seems it records the destination on touch down where it's rather unlikely you hit a helipad ;)
You are correct. It is not as if ACH is taking the live feed and deciding where the plane has landed. It is simply taking the info of which fsp / fsk etc sends to it :)

What are you going to do if the 2 destinations do not match though? You can't reject the report?
Andrew Williams said:
What are you going to do if the 2 destinations do not match though? You can't reject the report?

From above
... checks your booked destination against your actual arrival airport, and if they differ there will be a notice in the pirep that the pilot diverted at some point
It's only to have some more info in the pirep. Validation will still be made with just the flight number.
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