AirChild Madness LEG9?

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Today 2:11 AM
Hello Everybody

i havent read anything about Leg 9 of AirChild Madness, is the montly Group flight allready stopped, or are you all waiting on my Airportlist?

i have invested some time to create the next list for de Depart from GMAD. in my Datalist i have no information about runway length so i have to search this for every Airport :( if someone now a list with ICAO Code, Airport and Cityname, coordinates and runwaylength please let me know...

so here the list of 34 Airports that are in a City beginning with R, have a Distance less than 2500 from GMAD and have a Runway longer than 1800m:
    GMME Sale Rabat 262
    LERT Rota Ns Rota 408
    DAAN Reggane Reggan 563
    LERS Reus Reus 829
    LFDN St Agnant Rochefort 1013
    LFCR Marcillac Rodez 1016
    DTTD Remada Remada 1026
    LFRN St Jacques Rennes 1120
    LSMN Raron Airport Raron 1252
    LIRF Fiumicino Rome 1254
    LIRA Ciampino Rome 1268
    LFSR Champagne Reims 1292
    LICR Reggio Calabria Reggio Calabria 1327
    LIPR Rimini Rimini 1331
    ETAR Ramstein Ab Ramstein 1382
    LIPI Rivolto Rivolto 1409
    LIPQ Ronchi Dei Legionari Ronchi De Legionari 1419
    EHRD Rotterdam Rotterdam 1435
    LDRI Rijeka Rijeka 1439
    HLNF Ras Lanuf Oil Ras Lanouf V 40 1448
    EDBR Rothenburg Gorlitz Rothenburg/ol 1663
    EDAX Rechlin Larz Rechlin-laerz 1683
    EKRN Bornholm Ronne Ronne 1808
    EPRZ Jasionka Rzeszow 1845
    ESDF Ronneby Ronneby 1871
    LGRP Rhodes Diagoras Rhodos 1907
    LGRD Maritsa Rhodos 1908
    ESFR Rada Rada 1924
    ENRY Moss Rygge 1925
    UKLR Rivne International Airport Rivne 2000
    EVRA Riga Intl Riga 2117
    LLRM Ramon Ramon 2269
    LLRD Ramat David Ramat David 2275
    URRR Rostov Na Donu Rostov 2470
EDIT: I have seen that i have that i not corrected the Script to search with beginning of R, so standby for the list.
EDIT 2: Now the list for City's with R is calculated :) i see there are not so much Destinations in the range of 400nm to 1100nm and even less that are in Africa to continue the direction south.

My Proposals are:
GMME Sale Rabat 262
DAAN Reggane Reggan 563
LERS Reus Reus 829

Kind Regards André
Andre Bohni said:
i havent read anything about Leg 9 of AirChild Madness, is the montly Group flight allready stopped, or are you all waiting on my Airportlist?

Havent heard of Legs for some time... Probably event is suspended...
Andre Bohni said:
i have invested some time to create the next list for de Depart from GMAD. in my Datalist i have no information about runway length so i have to search this for every Airport :( if someone now a list with ICAO Code, Airport and Cityname, coordinates and runwaylength please let me know...

I use NICE tool called it has few interesting route map displays, but most important have nice tool for airport information. Use url:{ICAO}
where You replace ICAO with 4 digit ICAO code of ariport or 3 digit IATA code of airport to get details about field.
For example about GMAD is:


You can read about airport elevation, read about longerst runway, get geo coordinates...
There is also tool for search defined "airports" within specified range (min/max) and direction from selected airport. For fast search You can estimate that only airports with IATA are big enough to fly to with usual planes.

Also i'm preparing bigger ACH online event based on Drzewiecki Design Air Transport World Flight (DDAT-WF), but it should be flyied MUCH more often than once per month... Actually there are two events to choose from.
First is " " and is made of 45 legs. Airstrips suitable for 737-900 (but some of them i would say are "bit" under safe operation limits for that bird) and max distance flown is little more than 3000nm (BGBW-UUUE with safe limits should be flyied with 3500nm range plane)... That include probably most challenging airfields in my career PABT (Bettles) and CYDA (Dawson), two short, unpaved strips (almost) in middle of nowhere, second one between hills. Drzewiecki had problems with his 739, i had even bigger with 789. - I fly with 789, on screens visible as 763 with reg SP-XUN.
Second event is even more challenging and is called " ". Made from 68 legs, with max distance flown of 1200nm, but strips are MUCH more demanding, because event was for small prop/turboprop planes (birds with Lukla landing capacity STRONGLY recomended).
Unfortunately sceneries are outdated, flightplans are not longer valid, and number of flights makes need to fly few times per week to finish in reasonable time...
Now the Airports are in Post 1 :) and to Szymon i am searching a list where i can read the information whit a Script. So is it a Database on the Net, i need an API, or i need a File to Download where the Values are in a CSV-Format :) but thanks for the hint with GCM.

Regards André
Andre Bohni said:
....... i am searching a list where i can read the information whit a Script. So is it a Database on the Net, i need an API, or i need a File to Download where the Values are in a CSV-Format :) but thanks for the hint with GCM.

Regards André

If you like Ruby: :)
André I just sent you an email. We can provide all the data you need.
Just contact me after you've read my email.

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