VA-meeting in Zürich 06 APRIL 13

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Today 3:14 AM
Hi there,

Browsing the VATSIM forum I saw an advertisment for an event that I thought sounded fun:

When I visited the event-page i noticed, to my delight, that our fantastic VA was already registered! :)

So who plans to show our colours in Zürich that saturday? :)

Best regards and happy landings,
Yes - but my post has a link to the event ;)

Jokes aside - oops, I should have looked more closely before posting - This thread can be deleted.

Anders Fasterholt Theut said:
This thread can be deleted.

Hello Anders, no problem. We only delete rassism posts, which we haven't had yet... :D

But I think we can continue with this topic here:

Berst regards
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