
Users Local time
Today 5:02 AM
Hi guys,

When flying on-line which i allways do :D , I write in the remark area of sq-box always:

AIR-CHILD V.A. flying in support of UNICEF.

it will be nice when one flying on-line wants to see what that ACH0004 stands for , he will know
it,s for a good and sound purpose!! :eek:

Let people know what we stand for,just might gain some more active pilots,huh 8)

warm greetings , keep up the good works.


Jan, thanks for the online advertising and your kind words. I (and I'm sure, Norbert as well) really appreciate your efforts for our "soon-to-be" VA!
Although we're still in pre-beta (hopefully we will start the official beta tests by next week, but I still have to fix a couple of things) I think it's a good idea to have some publicity already on Vatsim.
Btw: If you pre-file your plan through the VA's flightplanning the program already fills in our web address, so people can see there's something going on ;)

I also want to thank you for regularly reporting flights. Thanks to your reports I could already check and fix some problems. Don't hesitate to get back to me if there's something you don't like about the website.
Dear Pilots,
Jan Vilijn said:
When flying on-line which i allways do :D , I write in the remark area of sq-box always:
AIR-CHILD V.A. flying in support of UNICEF.
it will be nice when one flying on-line wants to see what that ACH0004 stands for , he will know
it,s for a good and sound purpose!! :eek:
Let people know what we stand for, just might gain some more active pilots,huh 8)

I decided to bring this topic back again, because it's worth it and I believe it would be a good practice for our air-line. I quote the url in my Fplan remark area:
"Flying for UNICEF /"
No long ago during I got messaged by a controller to explain a bit more about the idea. As a result, he's now an active ACH VA pilot.
Quite recently I spoke to a real life controller who also flies on VATSIM. When I introduced myself he said "Oh, I know, you fly for this child thing - a great idea". Believe it or not - I only told him my name...

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