FS9 is forgetting Key/Joystick assignmenet

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Today 6:11 PM
Hey Everybody !

After I got my new PC, :rofl: which is quite a good one for the price I paid, I have problems to get FS9 running again :'( .
My biggest problem is, that it seems that FS9 forgets everytime the Key and joystick assignment I have made :x . And I hate it to do it every time again I start rhe FS9.
I already run FS9.exe with the administrator rights.

The Sys Info is as follows:
AMD-FX 6300 3.5 GHz
Radeon 7700

WIN 7 , 64 BIT
FS 9.1

If anybody could give me a hint I would appriciate it.

I already run FS9.exe with the administrator rights.
I had various problems with the win7 and fs9 combo too.

I de-installed it and reinstalled it to the user folder. This prevents it from doing all the changes you think you make in the fs9 folder actually in some mysterious system folder. Fs9 was never made to run in Win7 so you have to fool it in various ways.

In your case the it might have "forgotten" your settings because the administrator is another user, so maybe new settings?

I also run it in admin mode. Don't know if it really helps, nobody can really tell. MS doesn't care about fs9(or FSX) any more so they won't tell us. The downside is that you have to run everything else, even AFCAD, also as admin.

For me it runs quite well, the only real problem that persists is loading a flight-plan; every 1 in 5 times I boot fs9 it will show a hourglass forever when I do this.

I chucked out everything I didn't need; themes, system sounds, various useless services etc.

See if installing in the user folder helps; if not I'll help you track down the .cfg file(I'm not behind my Windows machine right now).
Ok, i don't know what is problem here, but my fs9 is looking so beautiful(sometimes better then fsx) and is smooth and stable like never before. So, i'd like to share some settings which are very important in my opinion. I didn't saw fs9 or fsx CTD for a long time, and i use both.
For controls problem, my advice is to use FSUIPC for all joystick axes and keys, even keyboard assigments. fs9 update to fs9.1 must be placed in fs9 main folder before you run it, for fs9 to be updated correct. Be sure to do this:
1. First, go to fs9 main folder and
- rename "oleacc.dll" to "oleacc.old" (this will save you from lot of CTD, this dll causes conflicts with modern addons)
- then select and right click on fs9.exe, and select "properties" from menu

2.Then select compatibility tab like in picture and select "change settings for all users"

3. And then, set all options like in picture 3:

After that, click "ok" "apply" etc untill you clear all opened screens.

4.Here is how to configure your FS9 sim, all settings:

and here is more, all you need about FS9:

But be aware, there are two important settings when you change your FS9.CFG:
1.there is a advice to lock your fps to 24 - don't do that!
Check that your monitor refresh rate is 60 Hertz, and then set Nvidia inspector fs9 profile like this:

And after that, set your internal fps limiter to 30fps.
If Monitor refresh rate is not 60, in NVIDIA Inspector, at "Verical Sincronisation" select "Use 3D application setting" and set framerate to unlimited, or try internal limiter to 30.
2.The second thing, in fs9.cfg, don't touch "TEXTURE_BANDWIDTH_MULT". You will find advices to change it to higher settings, but this can only lead to trouble and low fps and stutters. For fs9, leave it to 60!
Here is my FS9.CFG for reference:

I'll update this post if I forgot something important.

p.s. i didn't have time to set my pictures, so if something is not ok - any of moderators can change their size etc...


Check that your monitor refresh rate is 60 Hertz, and then set Nvidia inspector fs9 profile like this:
He has a Radeon card so probably no Nvidia inspector.

It could just be having no write permission to the .cfg file. That would be something to check first.
No problem, i wanted to share my settings with all ACH fs9 pilots :)
If no Nvidia Inspector - just set fps to unlimited. But i haven't heard yet for FS9.CFG write restrictions....
But i haven't heard yet for FS9.CFG write restrictions....
The problem is...I had almost the same problem as Marcus when I started in Win7. The only difference was that it forgot the settings every once in a while instead of every time. I believe it was writing permissions that solved it for me. I checked the .cfg in the text editor for a while and saw it saved the settings ok.

That's the problem with Windows things; despite all the documentation it's still a black box. You have to find out some things by chance especially when support is long gone. When you found your way around things they invent a new Windows and you have to start all over.
3. And then, set all options like in picture 3:
Yes, when you use Windows for other things and like the themes stuff you can also do it that way. I just chucked them out altogether. Windows just equals flightsim for me. I don't have any other use for it. :rofl:
No problem, i wanted to share my settings with all ACH fs9 pilots
Yes, thanks. The oleacc.dll actually made me curious. I want to find out more about that. Ole is object linking and embedding. . Would that have something to do with my flightplan loading?
It not so bad, but this is another story, how to install and tune windows 7:

If you disable UAC and windows defender, and set your fs9 folder to be excluded for antivirus scans, you should be fine

fast replies! Tx erverybody. :)

I will try it all out the next days. If they don't work I will let you know. :eek:
And I will let you know which worked :rofl:

Thank you boys
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