
Users Local time
Today 4:26 AM
Hello :)
New pilot just made 2 flights.

just wondered, how many sponsors are sponsoring Air Child per date? and how much Money is being donated per flight for now?

Hello and welcome to Air-Child.
The sponsors you see on the site are the sponsors who pay. About the amount of money which is coming in every year - we have to wait for the yearly offered list. Somewhere in the forum you will find the last list - but I do not know where...?!
Cheers and have fun with Air-Child

Doing a little search with the word "money", I found this:

Sometimes someone makes a rough calculation. It's frustrating but I can't find such a post at the moment. I believe it's in the range of 0,0x eurocents per flight but varies a lot because of the way the donations are calculated.

Also see <statistics> for an indication of the number of flights.

The idea of earning money for a good cause while doing my hobby just makes me feel happy. The fact that I would have very satisfied customers if the flights were for real does the same.
Such calculations with miles and donations does not work cause any sponsor has the possibility to set an upper limit for each month. Just for you to know if you see differences between calculations and the real payed donations.
Cheers Tom
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