Drone missed Afghan Airbus by just 2m

Barthe Hogenboom

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Today 7:22 PM
You may already know this but I thought I should mention this piece of real-world aircraft news:

Well actually, it's not "news" as we know it; it happened in 2004 but it was covered up. But now that European governments want to drastically cut costs it's not really welcome news.

You can read a lot of stupid comments by people that know nothing about aircraft below these articles. Most are puzzled by the fact the Airbus overtakes the drone instead of just "going away". As if that's possible with an airliner on approach :wall: . I wouldn't know what to do. Procedure wise this is probably something between a bird-strike and an aircraft collision because the drone is totally out of control and unpredictable but is much larger(and heavier) than a bird. The result of an impact is almost certainly that of an in-air aircraft collision; 100% fatality :'( .
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