[Wed, July 1st 2009] VACC-Austria Birthday Event

Users Local time
Today 2:41 AM

A year ago, we became independant which we kicked off with a nice event - To celebrate our birthday we invite you to the Revival of the "LOVVe is in the air" Event.

What: Birthday-Party --> fully staffed
Where: All over Austria
When: 1800-2100 UTC (20-23h local)

Sceneries and Information:

Charts and NOTAMs:
All information and charts are available

For once you have the chance to win our Birthday-Presents, which are:
* 3 x Austria Professional X (Aerosoft) Boxes
* 3 x Innsbruck Scenerie (Aerosoft)
* 1 x Boxed-Version Digital Aviation Fokker (Aerosoft)
* 2 x Super 80 Professional X Boxed (Flight 1)
* 2 x Ultimate Terrain Europe X Boxed (Flight1)
* 3 x 6-Months-Subscription FlightXPress (TOX Media)

Who can enter the contest:
a) Pilots, who fly at least two domestic flights in within austrian airspace during the event.
b) Controllers, who provide at least 2hours of ATC within austrian airspace during the event.

How to enter:
a) Pilots, send the VATAWARE-Links (http://www.vataware.com) of their flights to verlosung@​vacc-austr​ia.org
b) Controllers, send a mail with their callsign and online times to verlosung@​vacc-austr​ia.org​>;

Deadline for all entries is July, 2nd 2009 2200UTC (Received header of our mailserver is authoritive)

No refunds or cash reimbursements possible. The price can either be picked up in Vienna, Austria, or be sent by mail. In case of shipment by mail, postage is to be paid by recipient. Taxes or dues may occur to winner's local goverments for non-eu winners.

I'm so sorry, but I have to work. :'(
Wishing you many LOVVers in the air, and many little new VACCler after all this LOVVe :lol:
WHAT?!! No free flight in a wonderful 737 cockpit simulator, with free transfer to Vienna, free accomodation and free food & drinks??? :eek: :think:

The ATC bookings on http://www.vacc-austria.org look very promising already!
Not sure if I can make it, though. Depends on the time I get home today :?

in any case: HAPPY BIRTHDAY! :flowers:
No free flight in a wonderful 737 cockpit simulator, with free transfer to Vienna, free accomodation and free food & drinks?
It shouldn't be the same all the time :)

Btw - thanks to everybody flying to Austria yesterday. During the 4 hours in the evening we had 222 flights in our airspace, which means nearly one new pilot every minute!

It was a good event. But common, 2 emergencies on one frequency at the same time, can't pilots train their skills without atc. (I know, no one knows when an emergency happens in real life) Some guys just keep on requesting descend when they have trouble with cabin pressure, normal pilots just descend and advise ATC... Kind of enerving...

And, a little advise. If you're all sitting in one room (not shure if it was the case), try to use good microphones (headsets) where pilots can't hear the other guys talking.

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