[14 JUL 2013 | 17-21z | OMDB] VATSIM Dubai Fly-In

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Today 3:16 AM

Do you think that Sunday afternoon is a good time for a medium- or even long range flight? And would you like to enjoy full ATC coverage at your destination after several hours of flight? Then this event is made right for you, and you should visit the Dubai Fly-In on Sunday, July 14 2013, from 17:00 to 21:00 UTC. Dubai International (OMDB) will be staffed up from DEL to CTR and you can also expect to see the upper airspace of the whole Middle East covered by GULF_FSS. Of course short-hauls and any outbound flights are also very welcome. Feel the desert heat and make our ATC’s sweat!

Charts are mandatory, get them here:
http://www.gcaa.gov.ae/aip/AIRAC99/AIRA ... en-GB.html

If you are looking for a scenery, look here:
Payware (FSX + FS2004, recommended): http://www.flytampa.org/omdb.html
Freeware (FSX): http://www.flightsim.com/vbfs/fslib.php ... rs_fsx.zip
or http://www.flightsim.com/vbfs/fslib.php ... e=omdb.zip
Freeware (FS2004): http://library.avsim.net/esearch.php?DLID=36346
or http://www.flightsim.com/vbfs/fslib.php ... mdbphr.zip

See you on the scopes!

Kind regards
Marcus Richter
VATUAE Events Manager
I'll definitely try to be there. FlyTampa Dubai Rebooted is an amazing scenery and it's a great destination to fly to from Europe on my MD-11 :) I'll see if I can persuade my girlfriend to have a girls' night out or something :D
Oh, and there are now three pictures of Air-Child aircraft on VATUAE's frontpage :D just out of curiosity: are you responsible for this, Marcus? :p
To be honest, I didn't see the pictures until now... :oops: I think our Director took them.
Aleksi Laine said:
I'll see if I can persuade my girlfriend to have a girls' night out or something :D

She could meet with my wife, as I will be controlling for at least 4 hours... :D
Heheh she didn't buy your suggestion, but it still seems I'll be able to make it :D

I should show up at around 1700-1900 with a 767 or MD11, which station will you have control of? :)
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