[6.July 2013 | 1400z - 2000z] Vienna Real OPS 2013

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Dear fans of VACC-Austria,

just in time at the 5th birthday of the VACC-Austria, one of our biggest event is comming back: Vienna Realops 2013

The Vienna Realops are unique in Austria. Vienna will be fully staffed, real callsigns in addition to real flight-times will be used with our slot system. Pilots can book the slots via our homepage before the event takes place.


When? 06.07.2013 – 14:00Z – 2000z
Where? Capital: Wien (Vienna/LOWW/VIE)

Bookingsystem: http://www.vacc-austria.org/events/117
Charts, scenery and many more: http://www.vacc-austria.org/airports/loww

To book a slot you only have to enter your name, VATID and e-mail address at the Slot overview site. With this registration you are NOT a VACC-Austria member. We need your data only for the booking system.

Looking forward to welcome you at W14.ME city!

Kindly regards!

Arthur Hutterer
Simply amazing event!

The amount of traffic was huge. I flew from EDDK and thought I'd fly as fast as possible since I took off a little late, but my speed was limited by ATC all the way from Germany. And so were my flight levels. All because of traffic heading to LOWW (plus of course regular Saturday-traffic).

When I was closing in to LOWW, I was put in a line instantly from the entry point VENEN onwards. I had a KLM 12 miles ahead and a FedEx 7 miles. The director did amazing job lining us all up on the localiser. When on final, I thought that the FedEx would have to hurry off the rwy so I could land. Well, tower even managed to put a takeoff in between. That was really cool, no atc would do that on a slow, regular day. But then when the next one in line to take off was instructed to line up after a landing 737 (me), he misunderstood and lined up in front of me. And I had to go around. But that was okay, it was so fun that I loved doing it again. And once again, I landed with another 737 flying the approach 3 miles in front of me, vacating the rwy just before I was at my minimums. I landed and vacated quickly. There were three aircraft on ILS behind me. Amazing. By far the best night I've had during my 6 month history with VATSIM. Thank you and more of these please :)

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