Did see that?

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Today 6:37 PM
Hi all!
I've set all axis from SAITEK Pro flight Yoke, Quadrant and Rudder with FSUIPC 3.90 registred.
Since I did that, From time to time during flight, View change and gear goes down without any intervention from myself. :(

did see that or explain that phenomena? :?: :?: :?:

Welcome to the club, Pierre! Have a look at this forum thread: http://www.air-child.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=335
It's a known problem with the Saitek yoke :(
Thanks Peter I've read the topic (snif!!) :'(

I'll try some ideas developed into it.
Keep you all on line.

Pierre ;)
Hallo all,

I've performed a mix of solutions given on several forums and the first test flight is sucessfull.(wait and see). :p

As read I've set the yoke on MODE 2, and I connected quadrant and rudder pedals on a USB HUB instead of Yoke connectors. :roll:

If you've got this kind of issue, try this. It seems working well. 8)

Pierre (Who could fly soon back from SFO) ;)
Pierre Chassang said:
and I connected quadrant and rudder pedals on a USB HUB instead of Yoke connectors
hmm, my throttle quadrant doesn't have a USB connector. It's a round thing, like a keyboard connector, so I can only plug it into the yoke :wonder:
The pedals, however, are plugged into USB hub, as yours. But those never caused problems, anyway ;)
Oh yes, Peter, but I have 2 quadrants. First is connected through a round connector (the one provided with the yoke), the second is USB connected as the rudder pedals are.

I read on a forum that connecting the second quadrant and rudder on else connector than the yoke one corrected the issue.
I've tried but after a few test flights, the issue is there yet. :'(

The only events triggered without action are: View change from 2D panel to VC; Gear down; Auto pilot disconnected; some light on or off. :eek:

It seems to be glitches which trigger commands.

I can't do a flight for instant until I found a solution.(The last one to SFO was catastophic). :(

Pierre ;)
Pierre Chassang said:
I have 2 quadrants
Oh, alright then. Second quadrant is still on my wishlist ;)
I've tried but after a few test flights, the issue is there yet. :'(
I made the same experience with the mode change. For 2 flights I thought it was ok, 3rd flight it messed up again :x
The only events triggered without action are: View change from 2D panel to VC; Gear down; Auto pilot disconnected; some light on or off. :eek:
.... I can't do a flight for instant until I found a solution
You mean it happens without any action on your side? For me it only happens when I move the yoke. That's why I it's mostly on approaches, where it's not that critical if the gear goes down somewhat earlier than I had planned. And I admit it doesn't happen very often. Last few flights there was only one view change. But I understand it must be very annoying if it happens without any yoke moving. :S
Hi Peter
Thanks for precisions.

In fact I ask my own if the issue origin (for my case) shouldn't be my graphical card.
Some days, when starting my computer(cold), There are glitches on the screen once Windows loaded.
I first though to a bad physical graphic card connection on the motherboard.
Then afer checking, connection was good. :(

I've remarked each time I've these glitches on screen, even if I restart the PC and they disappear, this kind of issues occurs. :?

I will investigate in this direction. :roll:

Keep you on line

Pierre ;)
Honestly, I think it's your yoke, Pierre - not the graphics card. Because the symptoms are the same as with mine, and they are typical Saitek issues. The only difference is that mine doesn't do it without being moved.
That's why I suppose your yoke is sending "spikes" (signal noise) on some of the axes, even when it is not moved. This is a common problem with joysticks and other input devices.
With a little help from my google I found these topics ...
http://www.flightsimworld.com/forums/in ... pic=174050
http://forums.virtualwestjet.org/index. ... =16&t=1820
... and I bet there are a lot more ;)
Also check your FSUIPC. It has an option somewhere to reduce spikes. This might help - or not.
You can also try input filtering in FSUIPC calibration, as well as increase the null zone (I think that's the 'delta' in fsuipc)

btw: which graphics card do you use? I use an ATI/AMD with 2 monitors, and on Windows boot it always turns black and flickers for 2 seconds, while initializing the monitors. That's a little scaring but obviously normal ;)
Thanks a lot Peter, I'll see the links and back

Oh! My graphic card is Nvidia 9800GT 1Go DDR2 with only one monitor.

Pierre ;)
Ok! after several investigations through the links Peter gave me, I've found a solution (seems works on my computer... but wait and see)On SAITEK site FAQ concerning "phantom keypress" as they call that phenomenon.
I've performed the tips they provide here:
Then I've reinstalled the last drivers but not the SST programing software.

As I said above, wait and see now....

To follow
Pierre ;)
Thanks for the link, Pierre. This looks like it could actually work, although a lot of registry editing :S
I also read in the Saitek forum that the problem is not necessarily hardware related, as many people who got their yoke systems replaced still had the same problem with the new products.
Please keep me updated if it worked for you.

With pleasure Peter!

Pierre ;)
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