question on dme arc

Peter Schindler

Users Local time
Today 6:19 PM
Let's have some flight school... for me ;)

I just looked through some flight reports and noticed Daniel Reynard's flight from Innsbruck to Nice with a perfect approach line along the DME ARC approach to LFMN 04R. I have flown this approach 2 or 3 times manually, but on my FlightKeeper map it never looks that good :) (here's one of those: *cough*)

My question is: is it possible to fly a DME ARC approach by FMC (not with the ATR, as above, but maybe with Boeing/Airbus) and, if so, how is it done (programmed)?
Yes, you can sometimes programm it in FMCs. (with Intercept HDGs etc.) -> Can't tell you how it's done, Daniel and I usually fly those approaches manual according to charts. It's not so hard if you set the correct courses and tune the right VORs and NDBs...

Using the PMDG it is fairly simple to write the approach in the SIDSTAR database by choosing "enough" waypoints along the arc to make it work. Between two points the aircrafts flies in an straight line (well, great circle actually, but not any difference in this scenario), but if the point are not too far from each other, you get a nice arc. If you space the fixes with 5 degrees in between it will be fine.

But remember to back up the file as Navigraph updates overwrites the old one, and you'll miss the approach.
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