Problem with Active Sky Advanced (FS2004)

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Today 6:55 PM

I've noticed (and it was confirmed by HiFisim forum)that over certain world regions like north India, wide and fast atmospheric pressure changes occurs. :(
This triggers climb or descent and speed indicators shows erroneous values. Sometimes, the aircraft becomes uncontrolable. :S

I did try several times to fly from Delhi to Khöln and each time, the pressure and speed changes occurs.
When stopping ASA, all getting right.

Is someone has a solution to that problem? :(

Waiting for idea
Pierre :hi:
hey Pierre,

Do you have a registered version of FSUIPC?

Yes I have

Cheers Pierre
Hi Tobias and Thanks.

I did smooth all I can, but no effect on the erratic altitude and speed changes. :?

I gone on HIFIsim forum. It seems to be a bug which occurs over certain regions like India, Russia etc, because the METAR from them are wrong.
That bug seems long time known but not fixed until now. :x

Now I use WeatherMakerX and then no more problem. :yes:

Pierre ;)
Oh! Yes I have SP1

Thanks Tobias,

I sometimes fly with VATSIM using their weather generator. :)
You're right, it is better than ASA. :rofl:

Pierre ;)
No, the weather is probably not better than the one generated by ASA (less complex). It sometimes occures, that people use two weather tools at the sime time, each one adjusting the current weather every few minutes resulting in rapid wind or pressure changes caused by different weather data. That's the reason why you have to turn off the weather functions of FSInn when using ASA or any other weather tool. I had similar problems to those explained by you when using an older version of ASA, but not anymore.

Hi Tobias,

In my last message I have not been clear. :no:

When I said I use VATSIM weather generator, It is not WITH ASA but instead of. :yes:

Please try to fly a little from Delhi with ASA in use, I think you'll see what I mean about 10 or 15 minutes after take-off. :S

Pierre ;)
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