PFPX released!

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Today 3:18 PM
Hello Captains,

I would like to do an Air-child OFP templates.
Can I use the one presented in Dispatch center for ?

To all
Pierre Chassang said:
Hello Captains,

I would like to do an Air-child OFP templates.
Can I use the one presented in Dispatch center for ?

To all

Oh great! Feel free to do what you want ;)

Thank you
I've bought it the day it has been released. I know I would be able to achieve the same or similar results using other tools, but having everything in one package was a tempting idea.
The software itself looks good, however it has SO MANY smaller or even more serious bugs. For details head to the Aerosoft PFPX forums. I have to say I am kinda disappointed - after all that time I would expect more polished and more functional program. Let's hope the bugs and functional errors will be corrected in upcoming hot fixes and updates.
For those who have not bought it yet - hold on! Make sure you are familiar of the current shortcomings before you press the buy button.
Well, at the moment it's at Version 1.04 which means that since release nearly ever few days there is an update... My Copy works very well and I'm happy and impressed with it..... and for the guys out there... here see for your self... here is an OFP from PFPX filled out after flightcompletion.... I'd say spot on! 8)

Norbert Woeller said:
Pierre Chassang said:
Hello Captains,

I would like to do an Air-child OFP templates.
Can I use the one presented in Dispatch center for ?

To all

Oh great! Feel free to do what you want ;)

Thank you

Ok Boss :)

I'll do one ASAP and submit to you.

Here it is an example of OFP cover personalized for Air-Child.
The remaining follows in a few days...

Uploaded with

Hello Captain's
Here is the first preview of ACH OPF from PFPX.

It is only the top section which is in accordance with actual FP format.
Tell me if you like:


Pierre ;)
Hi Rafal,

You're right, I used the same template than original ACH plan.
I've changed it to Reg


Pierre ;)

Yes, but I've modified the airlines list and associated ACH with Air-Child.
Here is a link to a complete Air-Child OFP style.

Tell me what you think about.
When approved, I'll send you the template.

All the Best
Pierre ;)
Hi Captains and Staff.

Glad to send you the template (just a text file). Copy and paste it in the "PFPX data/FlightplanTemplates" folder. :)

Here is too the Airchild Logo to paste in "PFPX Data" folder and overwrite or replace after backup the "OFP.bmp"


Norbert does it mean that we're going to use PFPX to make dispatching? Can you send me once more my login data to the dispatch center cause I've accidentaly deleted an email from you with those data.

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