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Hi fellow air-child collegues,
I`m not sure if this is the right category to post in so if one of the moderators feels it's in the wrong spot, please feel free to move it to the correct location......
I just found this call for assistance on the Facebook side of VATSIM Pilot Client Project and was wondering if air-child could (or in fact is already) assist(ing) them with repaints of our Airline?
post from the 21st August 2013
Unfortunately I personally have no expertise to assist in this important project, but hope that someone in our airline has....
with kind regards
Richard Oberwinkler
I`m not sure if this is the right category to post in so if one of the moderators feels it's in the wrong spot, please feel free to move it to the correct location......
I just found this call for assistance on the Facebook side of VATSIM Pilot Client Project and was wondering if air-child could (or in fact is already) assist(ing) them with repaints of our Airline?
post from the 21st August 2013
Very important for us to move on with the development - as we have requested all over VATSIM, I will post it here as well. Please see if you can help out. Many thanks!
Dear Community!
As we are making good progress we need further assistance for some parts of the projects:
As we got now loads of models licensed by their freeware designer, we are about to check how many and which liveries actual are ready to use for FS9 and FSX/P3D.
Therefore we got a list of the approved models and lieveries but we need it more evaluated.
The job:
We need someone or a group of people who are downloading the listed models, checking out against a list of the most flown aircraft on VATSIM, which models we need to get in (are missing yet), which liveries of which models already have been approved and put this all into a database.
It is not a very technical job but a job which have to be done and there is not deadline or hurry for. So we would be so happy if someone would be around who would be interested in this kind of help.
Virtual Airlines:
As well as we plan to have this big repository for the client and the greatest effort for a VA is that everybody on the network see your outstanding liveries, we would like to get you in to the progress. After we have defined the models which are from which model developer available, its up to you start painting these specific models (which your are flying in your VA) with your livery designs and hand it over to us. So everybody who is using the new VATSIM client will be able to see your liveries on the network. Please contact us as well for the paintkits and provide us with loads of your liveries for the specific models we are announcing later on - after the list would be ready. We are sorry that we can not take every kind of liveries from other freeware AI model developer, as we need their "OK" for using it on the VATSIM repository.
Many thanks to everybody who is helping us out with these points!
Applications can be submitted here via Facebook.
Unfortunately I personally have no expertise to assist in this important project, but hope that someone in our airline has....
with kind regards
Richard Oberwinkler