New vroute partnership and discount

Peter Schindler

Users Local time
Today 3:58 PM
To all vroute users:

vroute introduced a new partner system for VA communities that will enlist all VA members (having a VATSIM membership) for a 20% discount on vroute Premium. Please check for more information on vroute and vroute Premium, if you're not already using it.
For information on the discount see the post below.

IMPORTANT: The new system also allows for automatic synchronisation of VA members and members in the VA's vroute community. This is a daily process that synchronizes Air-Child's list of VATSIM ID's with the ID's stored in the vroute system. So ...
- members of the Air-Child community in vroute who are no longer active VA members have been removed. This is why our community has initially dropped from 107 to 71 members.
- Air-Child members who are using vroute but are not yet a member of the community will automatically be invited by the system.

Invitations and current community members are restricted to VA pilots who have reached rank 2 (Second Officer), have a valid VATSIM ID and are registered users of vroute (Free or Premium).

Any questions? Post them here ...
Re: New vroute partnership

ACH pilots with a rank of "Second Officer" or above (and having a VATSIM ID) are now entitled to a 20% discount on Premium. Please find your discount code on the bottom of your .

vroute Premium offers many extra features such as detailed fuel planning or flight plan exporting to a wide range of add-ons.
Hi, Peter. I don't completely get this so I have a question:
The new system also allows for automatic synchronisation of VA members and members in the VA's vroute community. This is a daily process that synchronizes Air-Child's list of VATSIM ID's with the ID's stored in the vroute system. So ...
That means since I'm only an ACH member and not a VATSIM one, none of my data is shared with vroute? Not that I'm totally worried about this; I have no big secrets here. 8) But since vroute is a commercial company and I'm not in the habit of sharing my data with too many companies in real life and on-line....
No worries, Barthe ;)
There's no data "shared" in the classic meaning, not even for Vatsim members. Here's how it works:
People who use leave their Vatsim ID on registration, so vroute has a record of all Vatsim members/IDs who are at the same time vroute users.
People who join Air-Child can enter their Vatsim ID after registration, which is then displayed on the roster (one of the requirements for being a VATSIM Partner VA).
All we do is provide the list of our member's Vatsim IDs (no other data) to vroute, so vroute can check if someone with the same ID is a registered user of vroute and also a member of the Air-Child community (or user group) within vroute. Those who are not in the VA's community will get an invitation to join. The same process that we managed manually until now. Same result, less work ;)
Another benefit is that members of our vroute community who dropped out of the VA will not stay in the group as "dead bodies" forever.

Again: this is only relevant to people who already use vroute. VATSIM members who are not registered with will not be bothered in any way!

You are right, vroute is a commercial software, if you want it to be (buying the Premium option). But even the free version is one of the most useful planning tools - not only for online flying, btw.
vroute Premium offers some fancy extras for a one time fee, but if you don't need those you can live happily forever with the free version.
I at least appreciate the work, the dedication and support of Michal Rok who offers a great service for free and tries to regain some of his expenses by selling an extended version. But that is of course nothing but my humble personal opinion :D

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