Philippines badly needs relief supplies

Users Local time
Tomorrow 5:14 AM
Hello again ACH pilots.

My country, Philippines has again endured terrible disasters both man-made and natural ones in just a span of three months.

Recently, last September. A lot of my fellow countrymen were displaced after a small unrest between the government and rebel forces in Zamboanga City.

As of this moment, there are still people living in temporary relocation site since a lot of these people doesn't have any homes anymore after they where burned down during the crisis period that lasted for a weeks. It is estimate that the people around 100,000 residents where displaced during crises.



Then came October, right in the morning of Tagbilaran and Cebu City. A 7.2 magnitude struck at Carmen, Bohol right in the center of island it self. The earthquake took 222 dead; 8 missing; 976 injured.


Not to mention, Many Bohol residents were left without adequate safe drinking water and sanitary facilities after the quake. Consequently serious public health issues arose such as cases of diarrhea and water-borne diseases.

Another thing also is that a lot of historical century old churches dating from the Spanish era where destroyed and badly damaged. Including the church where Ferdinand Magellan bought his cross all the way from Spain.



Then the worst just came in last week. Super Typhoon Haiyan (Yolanda) wreck havoc on the Eastern Visayas region particularly in the island of Leyte and Samar. Considered as the most strongest typhoon in history reaching Category 5 in Saffir–Simpson hurricane wind scale.

Aerial view of the island where it made landfall.


The fear is that death toll is on the rise currently above 2000+ casualties and it would increase as there are still lots of dead bodies being discovered under the pile of rubble of houses which was swept away by strong winds and storm surge from the seas. :(

The aftermath made it worst after our government where left totally incapacitated and helpless to deliver the relief supplies and chaos among survivors who went pillaging and looting anything they can find to eat. :'(

International community where the first one the provide delivering relief supplies including from US Marines with their C-130 hauler and V-22 Osprey helo's from Japan.


I still remember way back then in 2011 when I was also a victim of flashflood after that Tropical Storm Washi stuck as. Then I came up with idea that I know for sure the Air-Child VA would be there to help my countrymen in times like this of calamities.

So in regard with this, Would it be nice again to make an online event for ACH and every PIREP report counts as donation for UNICEF.

Anyway, this are my suggested airports to be served for the event.
RPVM - Mactan Cebu
RPMZ - Zamboanga Intl
RPVT - Tagbilaran
RPVA - Tacloban (Currently limited operations to turboprops and C-130 as this airport is in bad shape)
RPVO - Ormoc
RPVR - Roxas City
Wow... I definitely support the idea of an event.

In my opinion it would be cool to fly the supplies to a major airport, such as Manila, from overseas and then continue on feeder flights to smaller airports around the Philippines.

If there's any way I can help in event planning or organizing, let me know.

Strength to your country Genno,
Would definitely support. And a suggestion too, if an event could be arranged on Vatsim it would be meaningful. :yes:

Jacklyn from Hong Kong
Jacklyn Wu said:
And a suggestion too, if an event could be arranged on Vatsim it would be meaningful.
Yes, definitely a VATSIM event. If we would get more support here, I could try and do the advertising for vatsim to get more people than just Air-Child involved and tell all the divisions and VACCs etc. about the event and ask for ATC and all that.

Show your support! :)
I strongly support the idea of a charity event! We already held such events in the past, either as purely VA related events (online and offline) or as open Vatsim events. However, the most important thing you need for a charity is ... MONEY! Without a reasonable fund simulated relief flights may help you feel better but they don't do anything useful!

So, the first and most important help you can provide is money. Air-Child will not collect any funds - we don't have a bank account and we are no NGO. But if you intend to make a donation specifically for a VA charity event, please let us know in this thread, so we know how much can be raised and on which scale we could organize the event.

If you prefer to donate to a different NGO than Unicef this will be equally welcome. Just post the amount you are ready to donate in this thread, as soon as possible. And please: only post honest offers! Don't say you will donate if you can't.

The event itself could be held in a way that also worked for the Haiti and Pakistan events. We pick a couple of destination airports (basically Genno's list) and everyone's free to fly to these destinations from whatever departure point he/she wishes. Every flight would generate a certain donation within the available funds.
If we make it a pure Vatsim event it would happen on a single day. If it's an ACH event with the option to fly both on- and offline it could be extended to 2 or 3 days. We can still arrange to fly online in groups. Let us know your preferences. Personally I favour the second option. Not all VA members are Vatsim members or willing to fly on Vatsim, so any "Vatsim only" events are slightly racist, imo ;)

At the moment I can only speak for myself because either Norbert and Tom are working abroad right now. Before we work out any more details I'd like to discuss it with them.

But first things first: show us your will to donate - in other words: your money!* - and after that we will work out the details together.

* Absolutely any amount is welcome!
To make a start, my company will provide 100 EUR as a donation to Unicef

Last note (and smart suggestion by Andrew): If you'd like to add a donation but don't want to post about it, please send me a forum PM or email to peter[.at.] Thanks!

currently raised funds (8 offers):
335,00 €

Now your turn .....
Thank you Rafal ! :clap:
I will keep the total updated in my above post (as I don't know of a better place atm)
Keep it going!
It's heart warming to know it from you guys seeing you have donated such amount of money.
I cannot express how should I thank you.



As for the current info, updates and map of locations that are in need of immediate action. Included also are the links which agencies accept donations such as UNICEF, Red Cross, CARE, WFP and Save the Children.

Genno Songcayawon said:
It's heart warming to know it from you guys seeing you have donated such amount of money.
And still going on ... Thanks to all who commited their donation!
Keep it coming! Every Dollar, Euro, Pound or whatever you can spare will help ;)
I'm still working in Africa till the end of the year, making films about animals (and see poor children and there families) Africa is far away from the philipines, but now people there need our help. Have send Peter an E-Mail about the amound my wife and me would send to the philipines.

Best Regards from Namibia
Current standings: 335,00 € !!
Thanks to all contributors! Can we increase this even more ? :wonder:

A major part of the above amount has already been transferred by the respective donors.
In the coming days we will set up a schedule for the event. We decided this time not to rush with the event (it will probably be next week and we'll install a poll for everyone to tell us their favourite day/s). Instead we decided to rush on the donations because the money is badly needed. So, this time it's money first, flights later - which is a little different from past events, but probably makes more sense here.

Please let us know if you have more ideas for the event or if you'd like to add to the donations ....

Dear All,

if private activities admit I will fly cargo from Frankfurt/M. (EEDF) to Manila (RPLL) on SAT 23NOV2013 around 1300 UTC. I have added a new route to vRoute with a total length of 5809 NM - perfect for the 777...

If anybody wants to join this long flight please let me know here.

Best regards
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