ACH-FSE: reporting

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Today 7:03 PM

We've been busy at ACH-FSE (group "Air Child - SCEL" on FS Economy) for four weeks now.

Our pilots (daily updated):

You can see that two pilots are unknown at Air-Child.
Actually we want to know if these pilots are flying at Air-Child.
Tell us your Air Child ID (ACHnnnn).

For example, "garbaprada" likes to fly in Cuba. That's fine, but most airports there are missing in the Air Child airport's databases. This means "garbaprada" can't fly or report his flights at Air Child. We should update the Air Child airport's databases first.

We have made some money. But we need more pilots.


We can't buy an own aircraft yet, maybe in some weeks. But to know which aircraft is the best for us, we need to know which aircrafts have our pilots and which aircrafts they really like.
See the next image and send me your data (mail or PM).


For Pilots, who owe a Piper Super Cub (carry up to 2 Pax) or a Dornier DO27 (Carry up to 3 Pax):

Both airplanes are standing at KTTP (Troutdale, OR) and are leased to ACH for free (except fuel costs and maintenance)....

Enjoy your flights...

Oliver (MarcoLiverpool)
Hello !

I've just joined and I'll fly soon. I might be "Florent" on FSA, ACH0532 here :)

See you there !

PS : FSE = Great idea !

I've got the next message at FSE:


Thanks very much, Brent (a.k.a. "trapper")

I've already used this Twin Otter, of course with our ACH-colours, at one of our own parking places at SCEL, and with our ACH-flag...



The livery was made months ago for X-Plane by Hartmut. Thanks, again, Hartmut!!!

It's really a beauty, isn't it?



PS.- We are ready to make money...
just... Peter!!!... are you there???... we need the "missing airports" !!!

PS2.- Did you see that??? Also the registration is the correct one :rofl: :clap: :LOL:

WOW!!! More post for "Air Child - SCEL"



The most "pilots" from "Air Child - SCEL" are really new in this business (FSE).
We need pilots like you, with experience and "know-how". And, sure, we need good Staff members.

Join us at "Air Child - SCEL", fly with us.
We can use your beloved Twin Otter X Extended. Thanks in advance.
It's just... how can we get it over the Atlantic? I really have no idea.
Someone else with practical ideas?...

Our priorities: 1. own aircrafts, later FBO's... the leasing business? don't know... but we can talk about all the ideas, no taboo's. We want to FLY, if possible with fine working aircrafts (FBO's, maintenance, fuel, etc.).

Again, WELCOME and thanks for your message.




So, so... just another reaction... again from an old/"overdue" ACH-pilot... :clap: :cheers:

Welcome (back), Ralf.
Thanks for your reaction, and - of course - thanks very much for your offer. We take it !!! ;)


thank you for your answer. I joined the group and look forward to have a great time.
Let me ask and discuss the following points, please

1.) ACH-FSE is based in SCEL
Is this the area where we want to be active with our FSE Group, or can the members fly where ever they want?
2.) FBO´s
If we want to have our own assignments, we have to either build up our FBO´s or rent gates at still excisting FBO´s
Chile has about 78 possible FBO´s, where 28 or 30 are private used. The difference is possible to buy. It is not easy to buy Buidling Material in Chile, the next "shop" is min 350NM away. And we need a big/strong aircraft to transport our buidling material and supplies.
3.) Aircraft
That depends on the Groups target.
We can have fast, big, slow, little aircraft from 2 till more than 100 seats. If our goal is to make a lot of money, we need some so called "maney maker" aircraft with a lot of seats. If not, our hangar depends on the pilots wishes. I personally like the size of a Twin Otter, DC3, C208 or Beaver. With this typs of aircraft its possible to make money, but its not the hard transport business as with the big ones.

I hope I´ve writen, that everybody understands what I mean - If not, please ask :)

More to come, later
Werner Gass-Müller said:
1.) ACH-FSE is based in SCEL
Is this the area where we want to be active with our FSE Group, or can the members fly where ever they want?
I think the answer can be found at "ACH-FSE: FAQ":
The point is: we wanted to experiment with the possibilities of the economic/financial system of FS Economy, as a workaround (we do not have such a system at Air Child, yet...). As an experiment it had to be small and limited, that's why we've chosen for one of our hubs.
Why SCEL? because X-Plane have too many "missing airports" that are used in FSE, FS9 and FSX.
In Chile, around SCEL I've built almost every known airport/airfield (custom sceneries) and the most of them are added to our ACH airport databases.
Later, if after an evaluation of this experiment we decide to go on with this "workaround", we can decide to expand it to other hubs.
I don't know nothing about FS9 or FSX (I do not use Microsoft software). But in X-Plane we can make, change and adapt the "custom sceneries" without any problem (it's funny and easy). This means we can make buildings for hangars, maintenance, fuel, offices, terminals, etc. specifically for Air Child (with our colours, flags, signs, etc.). When the time comes, we'll do it in SCEL, and maybe in other airports in this area, like SCIE, SCTE, etc. I hope some of our ACH-pilots can be motivated to do the same with the sceneries for FS9 and FSX.

To all ACH-pilots, just think about it...

"Caminante, no hay camino... se hace camino al andar"
Trad: "Walker, there is no path... it's made by walking"

Thanks Ricardo! It's good to see the FSE group growing (and making some cash). As for the planes, I think we could have a fleet of Twin Otters/C208's but it would be handy to have something bigger as well. What about leasing an ATR72 - in the past there were folks who were doing a lease-to-buy option. Not sure what our weekly income is and if we can afford this sort of commitment. We could use my money as a downpayment, I can also commit myself to generating a steady income for the group. I'm currently flying a C208 for the group but as we don't have this bird in our fleet, I do it only in FSE which I'm absolutely happy with :) I'm also going to fly an ERJ145 later on today with some healthy loads worth v$40-50k :) I will park her somewhere close to SCEL. I think I will also bring an ATR7 to our region and we should be able to utilise it if we decide to build our own FBOs :)
If you need an extra pair of hands to maintain the group and/or finances you can count me in (and my financial professional experience, too :rofl: )
Ralf Wawrzyniak said:
If you need an extra pair of hands to maintain the group and/or finances you can count me in (and my financial professional experience, too :rofl: )
We've already been "in business" for two months now (Air Child at FS Economy or ACH-FSE).

Members: ACH-FSE has 27 members, 10 of them are active pilots (at least one flight in these two months).
Aircrafts: We have 2 own aircrafts in SCEL (donations, DHC6 and BE58), one leased aircraft in SCEL (C172) and another one in Europe (BE36, LQSA).
Money: We have $300k in our bank account

I think the next step is to reorganise our staff and our tasks.
We need specialists, beginning with these area's: financial (Ralf?), FBO's, routes, administration (members, etc.), aircrafts.

In relatively short time we need a FBO in Santiago de Chile (maintenance, but also fuel).
SCEL has no more room for a new FBO. What about SCTB, SCBQ, SCLC or another airfield near Santiago?

More ideas? Proposals?


We are 10 days further. No reactions, no new idea's, no proposals, just some pilots flying...

Our first FBO (with 2 lots, one PT - Passenger Terminal - and 4 gates, and a Repair Shop) is ready and operational. It's located at SCTB, Eulogio Sánchez, Tobalaba, Santiago de Chile. In real world this is the most important aeroclub in Santiago, and "the" hub for many enterprises and flights with GA's in Chile.

Actually you never see GA's in SCEL, they go very often to SCTB. SCTI (Cerrillos) doesn't exist anymore. SCBQ is a military base of the FACH (the base with the Hawker Hunters that with several bombs destroyed the Moneda palace in september 1973). SCLC (Municipal de Vitacura in Las Condes) is the other small airport in Santiago de Chile. And SCEL? In FSE there is no more room available in SCEL to build FBO's.
Well, now you know why I've chosen for SCTB.

The BM's (Building Materials) must come from SACO, Córdoba, Argentina (347 nm). That's why I have 4 Embraer ERJ-135LR you can rent to use them for the transport (speed 455 kts, 37 pax or 7000 kg cargo max and they can take-off and land from/at SCTB).


Transporting 6000 kg "building materials" from SACO to SCTB on a ERJ-140 by Dan Klaue
(labeled "Embraer ERJ-135LR" by FS Economy):

I've learned a lot about the world of FSE, the aircrafts, the airports, the FBO's... and it's fun...

I must think about the next steps... :wonder:

Anyway we must bring our own aircrafts to SCTB and the most useful rentable birds, like Cessna's 208 Caravan and maybe more Twin Otters.

Hi guys,

Glad to be part of the group.

I have lent (/leased for free) my C185 Skywagon to the group. It is currently in central Africa where a lot of safari-tourists wants to be flown around. It carries the same as a B58 (5 PAX) and is very economical. With five green PAX you can easily make 4K profits for one trip under 200NM.

There is some nice payware versions of this aircraft for both XP and MFS.

I have also made a few, rudimentary airstrips that were missing for XP9 in the area. Reply to this post if you are interested.

Happy flying everyone,

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