Log problem

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Today 3:23 PM
Hello, I am a new member on ACH.
I have installed FSAcars and start a new flight after landing i receive a message "No log file for that company/pilot".
Any suggestions please?
Hi+welcome :!:

FSAcars causes a lot of problems, most rather use . Maybe you could try that. Download the needed files in your and follow the enclosed readme.

I use XAcars, so I can only tell you how that works:

After installing and dropping in the VA specific config files you can start a flight-plan here, then start XAcars, fill out the flight number(ACHxxxx) and press <Get ACARS flightdata>, it then automagically downloads your flight-plan. With the engines off and the parking brake on you can press <START ACARS>. After landing you can stop your engines and apply the parking brake at the gate and then upload your flight under <View Pirep>.

Please tell us if that worked.
Thank you for your response. I have installed Xacars 2.5 and follow your indications but the Start Xacars don't work!!!!!
I need more help please.
Hi, can you tell me a little bit more?

:arrow: Is the start XAcars button greyed out or won't it just start while being black?

:arrow: Did XAcars download your flightdata like in the picture?

:arrow: Are the engines off and brakes on?

:arrow: Are all the boxes in XAcars filled? If there's nothing in route try "DCT" and if alternate is empty just type something close by.
Hi, everything Barthes said above including APU. You also might want to give the program admin rights if you haven't already . Can be frustrating to get software to work sometimes. Don't giveup, be patient . One of us will get you there.
:arrow: Xacars downloaded the flightdata like in the picture.
:arrow: The engines are off and brakes on.
:arrow: The start button stay always grey even when i press the start button.
:arrow: I tried to use it with admin mode it has the same effect.
Thanks for you Barthe and David for your help. :( :( :(
Finally I did it , it's working now Ijust put a route and Istarted my flight.
Thanks again for your help.
Very happy to be a member of ACH.
see you soon : :D :D :D :D :D
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