FSACARS and system crash?

Users Local time
Today 9:43 PM
Hi. My pc crashed during the flight :( Is there a way to resume a flight log if your system crashes entire and you have to do a reboot?
Hello Andreas, tough break. I don't know how many hours I've lost because of sys crashes. If you had fskeepers I think it would be possible if it saved your flight. Other than that I'm not sure. That's one for Peter to answer I think. Just have to keep plugging away!

Blue sky
Thanks for your reply, David. I dont own fs keeper, but if someone can confirm that you can resume flights even after reboots, then I will absolutely concider buying it :)
I believe you can with a combination of Fs Flight Keeper and FSUIPC.

I think it is Norbert or Pierre who uses this combination to resume flights in the event of PC crashes

Here is a post I found about the subject.
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